Procedeul, conform invenţiei, prevede utilizarea biomasei de
levuri din deşeurile industriei de bere (30 g) care se
amestecă cu 30 ml soluţie tampon fosfat de sodiu (raport
1:1), apoi se supune autolizei la +37°C sau +45°C timp de 8
ore, cu agitare periodică, centrifugarea, prelucrarea
sedimentelor cu soluţie 1N NaOH (raport 1:5) la temperatura
de +80±5°C timp de 2 ore, apoi se efectuează centrifugarea
la 3500 rot./min timp de 15 min şi supernatantele alcaline
obţinute se sedimentează cu alcool etilic 96% în volum 1:2.
Procedeul permite obţinerea cu 7-16% mai multe
manoproteine comparativ cu varianta martor.
The process according to the invention includes the use of
brewer's yeast biomass (30 g) which is mixed with 30 ml of
sodium phosphate buffer (1: 1 ratio) then subjected to
autolysis at +37°C or +45°C for hours, with periodic stirring,
then centrifugation and the process of remaining the
sediments with 1N NaOH (1:5) ratio solution at +80±5°C for
2 hours, centrifugation at 3500 rpm. For 15 minutes, the
alkaline supernatants obtained were sedimented with 96%
ethyl alcohol in a volume of 1:2. The process allows
obtaining 7-16% more mannoproteins compared to the
control variant.