The paper presents the results of using the polymorphism of zein (the prolamin fraction of the maize endosperm protein) under an applied aspect to solve the problem of accelerating and improving the quality of corn seed production in the Republic of Moldova. The null hypothesis of the presented work is focused on the possible specificity of zein polymorphism and the protein marker system, depending on the maturity group of more than 50 Moldovan corn hybrids. Based on the use of the zein electrophoresis method, as well as the developed and tested algorithm for obtaining digital electrophoretic passports of the protein profiles of maize hybrids and their parental forms, the paper discusses the quantitative characteristics of the forms molecular values of zein (MFZ) for each of the studied genotypes, depending on their maturity group. The experimental material submitted for publication was obtained within the project „Creation of the catalog of electrophoretic passports of parental forms and hybrids of corn approved in the Republic of Moldova and intended for export” under the code 20.80009.5107.21.