The resistance to diseases of bees is due to natural immunity and acquired antimicrobial effect of salivary glands secretion and feticides which is in nectar and pollen plants and have to the bactericides and fungicides effects, but in honey bee intestines there are many pathogen spores which can be activated in the situation when the bee do not have enough quality food, or bad climatic conditions (high humidity, high temperature, bad ventilation, old combs et all). Arm of this investigations was to evaluate the antifungal potential of some fungal against Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus fumigates. For the object of study served 21 fungal isolates from the National Collection of Microorganisms Nonpathogenic and pathogenic strains 2 - Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger. The tested strains were isolated from soil samples, taken from the central area of Moldova. As a nutrient medium for the isolation micromycetes served the malt-agar and Czapek medium. Growing strains was performed in thermostat at +28oC during 14 days. As the test-cultures were used two strains of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger, aspergillosis bee pathogens which have been isolated from samples taken from the hive of bees.