Personalitate creativă, emblematică pentru istoria și teoria arhitecturii academicianul Alexei V. Şciusev a lăsat o amprentă deosebită în dezvoltarea și afirmarea arhitecturii din Basarabia și ulterior RSS Moldovenească, inclusiv prin elaborarea gran-diosului plan de reconstrucție a orașului Chișinău. Corespondența identificată de noi în dosarele de arhivă vine să pună accentul pe mai multe aspecte ale activității arhitectului în ideea de revalorificare a patrimoniului construit. Autobiografia examinată și scrisorile academicianului A.V. Şciusev, datate în anii 1945–1949, sunt traduse de subsemnata păs-trând autenticitatea informației transmise și vor contribui substanțial la explicarea rolului lui A. Șciusev în evoluția arhitecturii în spațiul actual al Republicii Moldova.
Academician Alexei V. Șciusev dedicated years of his life to restore the cities of Moldova after the Second World War. He worked extensively on the general plan of Chișinău, collaborating with local architects and correcting sketches and projects until the final moments of his life.
The academician’s correspondence conveys information from nearly eighty years ago, consolidating it over time and allowing us to understand his work in the field of architecture and urban planning from that era, as well as to make a comparative analysis between past ideas and present-day architecture. The fact that the letters of A.V. Șciusev are arranged chronologically and translated from Russian adds an additional dimension to their historical and architectural value. This chronological ordering allows researchers and historians to track the evolution of his thoughts and ideas over time, as well as how they were applied in concrete projects. Translating from Russian opens up these letters and the information, they contain to a wider audience, which can lead to a better understanding and appreciation of A.V. Șciusev’s contribution to the architecture and urban planning of Moldova. It is a way to make these resources accessible and relevant to researchers, students, and architecture enthusiasts worldwide. Additionally, these letters can provide an interesting perspective on the historical and cultural context in which A.V. Șciusev worked and developed his projects. They can reveal the political and social influences and pressures of the time on architecture and urban planning in Moldova during that period.