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Functional pates fortified with vegetable extracts

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dc.contributor.author NETREBA, Natalia
dc.contributor.author BOESTEAN, Olga
dc.contributor.author GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona
dc.date.accessioned 2024-05-31T07:59:09Z
dc.date.available 2024-05-31T07:59:09Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.citation NETREBA, Natalia, BOESTEAN, Olga, GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona. Functional pates fortified with vegetable extracts. In: Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicații în dezvoltarea societății durabile de mâine = Yesterday’s cultural heritage – contribution to the development of tomorrow’s sustainable society: conf. şt. intern. consacrată Zilei internaționale a femeilor și fetelor cu activități în domeniul şt. "Femeile în cercetare: destine, contribuții, perspective", 8-9 februarie 2024, ed. 9, Iași-Chişinău-Lviv, 2024, p. 228. ISSN 2558–894X. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 2558–894X
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.utm.md/handle/5014/27265
dc.description.abstract The article is devoted to the necessity of developing new approaches to the possibility of using biologically active substances in vegetable pates. The replacement of flavouring ingredients, colouring ingredients and preservatives by extracts of vegetable raw materials is proposed. The expediency of using ultrasonic extracts in the development of new functional pates to improve their consumer properties and storability is shown. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Conferinţă ştiinţifică internaţională consacrată Zilelor Europene ale Patrimoniului "Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicații în dezvoltarea societății durabile de mâine" = "Yesterday’s cultural heritage – contribution to the development of tomorrow’s sustainable society", consacrată Zilei internaționale a femeilor și fetelor cu activități în domeniul Științei "Femeile în cercetare: destine, contribuții, perspective";8-9 februarie 2024, ed. 9, Iași-Chişinău-Lviv
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ *
dc.subject vegetable extracts en_US
dc.subject functional pates en_US
dc.subject extracte vegetale en_US
dc.subject pateuri funcționale en_US
dc.title Functional pates fortified with vegetable extracts en_US
dc.title.alternative Pateuri funcționale fortificate cu extracte vegetale en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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