The initial data on physical, chemical and biological soil properties in experimental plots located on common chernozems were studied for the soil of a field situated on the territory of the Tartaul de Salcie community, ...
Использование метода белковых маркеров в «алгоритме создания гибридов кукурузы для богарного семеноводства» в условиях Республики Молдова», позволяет получить объективные данные по тестированию линий и гибридов на ...
Problema producerii culturilor de cereale a fost şi va rămâne una dintre cele mai actuale din complexul agro-industrial al ţării. Pentru a avea o recoltă bogată, este esenţial de a respecta toate procedurile tehnologice ...
Environmental protection is a problem of global importance, which must become a national priority, because it directly concerns the living conditions and the health of the population, the achievement of economic interests, ...
The water and the soil provide in the complex the existence of all living things. Water is necessary for plants for sweating, namely for evaporative adjustment of the leaf temperature regime. Soil humidity loss occurs due ...
Интерпретация полиморфизма зеина на основе визуального обсуждения является ограниченным и неинформативным приёмом. В представленной работе предлагается обсудить возможности логической связи между имеющимися методами цифровой ...
Research over three years has allowed us to highlight the extension of the fruit plantations in Glodeni district. In the area of fruit plantations, the apple showed 98.1% of the total area of the trees. The structure of ...
The purpose of our experiments was to study the role of sowing time and density on the degree of plants‘ wintering, formation of their productivity elements and average yield (kg/ha) as well as the quality of winter durum ...
This studies exposes the results of research to assess the production capacity of the soil cover joint at different agroecosystems. It was established that for field crops, typical moderate humus chernozems have the highest ...
In polyfactorial field experiments, under the effect of three factors, the common winter wheat variety „Meleag” provided a statistically significant positive increase of +1418.3 kg/ha the LD being 146.0 kg after the ...
The paper presents the results of 3 year research studies on the productivity, content and amount of crude protein recorded by the winter barley variety Zimovyi in multifactorial field experiments. It has been established ...
Cercetările ştiinţifice în cadrul Facultăţii de Agronomie au început paralel cu activitatea didactică în anul fondării facultăţii, 1933. În primii ani la facultate sub conducerea ctitorului învăţămîntului agronomic în ...
It was established that the treatment of inflorescence of the table grape variety Cardinal by biological active substances - gibberelic acid (GA3) and α-naphtyl acetic acid leads to increase in the sizes and weights of ...
This article presents the 3-year yield data of 2 varieties of winter triticale depending on the forerunner plants (grain pea and vetch+oats), planted in three different sowing periods (early, optimal, acceptable) and ...
Studies have been conducted on the influence of drugs and steroid glycosides Moldstim and Ekostim on the accumulation of plastid pigments in plant organs of winter barley when grown in fields in various predecessors (peas, ...
The paper presents the results of 3 year research studies on the productivity, content and accumulation of crude protein recorded by the winter barley variety Zimovyi in multifactorial experiments. It has been established ...
Incrustation of seed of winter barley drugs and steroid glycosides Moldstim Ecostim leads to a change in photosynthetic activity of plants in fields. Under the influence of growth regulators are: increasing the leaf area ...
В опыте изучались сорт озимого тритикале Инген 35, выведенный в Институте Генетики и Физиологии Растений АНРМ, три срока посева (8.Χ-оптимальный, (контрольB,18.Χ-допустимый и 28.Χ - поздний) по двум предшественникам – горох ...
A study was carried out in the central and southern zones of wine growing of Moldova Republic, during 2007-2009 to evaluate the influence of gibberellic acid (GA3) on the productivity of vines and quality of grapes. It was ...
The results of studies on the productivity and quality of grain of winter triticale Ingen 35 in a multifactorial experiment are presented. It was found that the highest grain yield was obtained from the predecessor peas ...