Investigations were conducted in 2008-2009 in Nursery Fruit Company „Codru-ST” Ltd., which is located in the centre of Moldova. As biological material were used apple varieties Idared and Gala Must and were bench-grafted ...
The investigations were made in an orchard founded in 2004 at “Codru ST” with trees at the type “knip baum”. It was studied the recover of investigations at the establishment and care of apple plantation. It was established ...
The experimental plot is placed in the orchard “Getodava” Ltd. founded in 2008 year. The study subject of the experience was Florina apple variety grafted on M 9 rootstock. The distance of plantation is 3.5 x 0.8 m. The ...
The experiment was carried out in a commercial orchard “Codru-St” Ltd. founded in 2000 with bench-graftings. Apple trees of the varieties Gala Must, Golden Reinders and Idared were grafted on dwarfing M9 rootstock. The ...
Productivity of apple tree superintensive orchards depends on variety’s biological features, apple tree leading and pruning system. The investigations were made in the orchard „Codru-ST” Ltd. founded in 2000 with bench-graftings ...
Investigations were conducted during the period of 2008-2009 years in Fruit Nursery of Company „Codru-ST” Ltd., which is located in the centre of Moldova. As objects of the investigation served three apple varieties: Gala ...
It were studied the growth and fruiting of sweet cherry trees (Cerasus avium L.) from cv. 'Valerii Cicalov' and cv. 'Record', grafted on mahaleb rootstock (Cerasus mahaleb Mill.) in relation with pruning system. The orchard ...
The purpose of investigation was to study the comportment of some apples varieties of different pruning systems in the conditions of cultivation of north pomological zone of republic of Moldova. The study proved that the ...
Sărbătorim 70 de ani de la înfiinţarea facultăţii de Horticultură din Chişinău. Fiind prima instituţie universitară de învăţământ horticol din Moldova a constituit o verigă principală în politica statului moldovenesc, de ...
Efficiency of foundation and exploitation in apple superintensive orchards is greatly determined by the productivity of cultivated varieties and trees growing system. The investigations were made during the period 2003-2006 ...
Since the year 2000 the walnut culture has known a substantial evolution in the Republic of Moldova, greatly sustained by the joint efforts of some active promoters and of the Government financial assistance. The methods ...
The object of the research was the trees of the apricot varieties of Spring Blush, Pinkcot, Kyoto and Faralia, grafted on the Mirobalan 29C rootstock. Planting distance was 4.0x2.2 m. The planting of apricot trees was ...
We studied the leaf surface of apple varieties Golden Delicious, Idared and Florina, grafted on M26 rootstock aged 6-8 years. The distance of planting trees is 4 x 2 m. The trees are driven by free forms Slanke spill. There ...
Pregătirea terenului pentru plantarea pomilor se diferenţiază în funcţie de condiţiile ecopedologice, sistemul de cultură, sortimentul şi tehnologie. Aceste prescripţii tehnologice servesc la elaborarea de tehnologii de ...
The training systems in orchards depending on the desired objectives. Along with the parameters of biological, ecological and technological resources that govern the productivity, the orchard, to the extent possible to ...
In the period that the 2008- 2010 years we studied the influence of foliar fertilisation application device development and yield in apple foliage. The study took varieties: Golden Delicions, Florina and Idared 8 years ...
The fruit-growing system is determined by the methods and technological tools by which is achieved using soil as a main source of production. The concept of fruit-growing system is used to integrate the relationships between ...
Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova în acest an marchează 80 de ani de la fondare (1933). Este un drum glorios al acestei instituţii didactice agronomice, care a contribuit şi contribuie atât la formarea intelectualităţii ...
his study aimed at determining the evolution of foliar surface in different types of annual branches of apple using different methods of foliar surface determination. The investigations were carried out in the intensive ...
In modern orchards of cherry trees are planted in high density with small trees and crown shapes such convenient time to harvest the fruits manual. The time thin consists of well-developed central axis that forms spiral ...