The experiment was carried out in a commercial orchard “Codru - St” Ltd. founded in 2000 with bench-graftings on rootstock M 9 at the varieties Gala Must, Golden Reinders, Idared and Florina. The distance of plantation ...
The evidence of growing dynamic of leaf surface area represents the main index which determines the productivity of the most important process of plants vital activity - photosynthesis. It is known that the determination ...
Dezvoltarea viticulturii și a pomiculturii la sfârșitul secolului XIX și începutul secolului XX, au determinat fondarea mai multor instituții publice în domeniul horticol. În Basarabia, au luat naștere: Societatea ...
The researches were made in the intensive cherry orchard, planted in 2010 with Cv Ferrovia, Cv Adriana and Cv Skeena, grafted on Gisela 6, planted at a spacing of 4x2 m and led by a Natural crown improvement system with ...
În anul 2006 în întreprinderea „Fruit Nurseries” au fost studiate dezvoltarea şi repartizarea în sol a sistemului radicular la pomii de măr de tipul „knip-baum” în câmpul întâi şi doi al pepinierei pomicole. Ca obiect de ...
Capital investments retrievement in apple superintensive orchards is greatly determined by the productivity of cultivated varieties and trees growing system. The investigations were made in the orchard „Codru-ST” Ltd. ...
Fruit peel color is an important quality parameter and marketing attribute that influences consumer acceptance. Red color development in apples is due to the formation of anthocyanin pigments in the apple skin. Anthocyanin ...
The experimental plot is placed in the orchard “Dacfruct” Ltd. founded in 2006. The study subject of the experience was Golden Reinders apple variety grafted on M 9. The trees were trained as slender spindles. The distance ...
During the entire period of development, hunting fauna are closely linked to the forest. The animals specific to the national forest are: wild boar, deer, badger, pheasant, deer, the rabbit. For some species (wild boar, ...