This article presents the data of an experiment were a winter triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) variety Ingen 93 was studied depending on the previous plants (dry pea and vetch + oats), sown in three different sowing terms (8.X., 18.X.,28.X.) and according to three sowing rates - 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 million seeds/ha. The amount of precipitation was of 556.3 mm, with 64.3 mm (13.1%) higher than the multiannual average quantity of precipitation. In the multifactorial experiment, the greatest influence on the yield of the studied variety was recorded by the previous crop (Factor A) – 99.24%, followed by the sowing rate (Factor C) only 0.76 %, and zero influence by the sowing terms and interaction of factors. In the conditions of 2015, the highest yield of winter triticale variety Ingen 93 was obtained after dry pea - 3353 kg/ha that significantly exceeded the predecessor vetch + oats to 717kg/ha. The highest quality of grain and crude protein content was recorded where dry pea was used as a previous plant. The highest test weight value was obtained after vetch + oats - 707.1 kg/hL, which exceeds the values of test weight after dry pea by 5.2 kg/hL. The largest grains of winter triticale variety Ingen 93 was forming after previous plant vetch + oats, - 49.7g.