In the period that the 2008- 2010 years we studied the influence of foliar fertilisation application device development and yield in apple foliage. The study took varieties: Golden Delicions, Florina and Idared 8 years old, grafted on M26 rootstocks. Distance of planting is 4x2 m as fertilizer to the foliage was 46% Urea in concentration of 0,4% to 1,2%in different stages of fruit development, Polyfeed (N19P19K19) at a concentration of 0,1% and CaCl2 (0,5%-0,7%).The results showed that the use of foliar fertilisation stages provide conditions conductive to the growth of leaf area. The Golden Delicious variety is increased leaf area by 12,6% to 40,1% Idared variety, and 23,5% Florina variety is compared with control variant 21,4%- 26,3 thousands m2/ha.