Societatea zilelor noastre solicita, mai mult ca oricand, inteligenta si capacitatea creatoare a omului.„Intregul climat al viitorului, va situa capacitatile intelectuale in conditiile deplinei afirmari si va da un larg avansdorintei de cunoastere”. (Suchodolski, 2009) In urma analizei spatiilor de invatamant si sistemul de invatamant din R.Moldova, a fost depistat efectul direct pe care spatiile de studiu le au asupra comportamentului social si a rezultatelor elevilor. Introducerea in tema se realizeaza prin explicarea scopului si a motivatiei pentru cercetarea temei date.Urmandcu prezentarea metodologiei si a datelor, statisticelor referitoare la invatamant si sistemul educational in R.Moldova.Today’s society demands, more than ever, human intelligence and creative capacity. “The whole climate of the future, says Bogdan Suchodolski, will put the intellectual capabilities under the conditions of full affirmation and will give a broad advance to the desire to know. As a result of the analysis of the educational spaces and the education system in Moldova, the direct effect that the study spaces have on the social behavior and the students’ results has been identified. The introduction to the theme is done by explaining the purpose and the motivation for the research of the given topic. Following with the presentation of methodology and data, statistics on education and educational system in Moldova.