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  • VENIERU, Alina; PROZOR-BARBALAT, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Irradiation is a food processing method that enhances an already safe food supply. It extends the shelf life of food, helping, to retain its quality and safety longer. Food to be irradiated is carried on a conveyor belt ...
  • ALCAZĂ, Alexandru; PLĂMĂDEALĂ, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    This paper shows the biggest problems of our planet in front of a large audience. We have to understand that our Planet is in a very hard situation and it needs our help and the people of China have to review their actions.
  • ARMAN, Alla (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    L‟auteur de cet article est préoccupée par le problème de l‟influence de lq température de l‟agent thermique, par celui du régime d‟oscillation et de la puissance du magnétrone sur la vitesse de séchage des griottes.
  • CRETU, Andrei; ABABII, Mariana (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    At present we have a serious problem of global warming. We can start investing millions in research and still find nothing, our future is in many ways well forgotten past, so why not look back in our past and find our users there.
  • COTRUŢA, Alexandr; STOICEV, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Articolul dat ne prezintă o tehnlogie avantajoasă de căldură cu potenţial mic.
  • GALCIUC, Valentina; OJOG, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    There are some aspects of the Automotive Industry Development: 1. Political. Laws and government regulations have affected this industry since the 1960's. In 1966 it was called the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety ...
  • NAZARIA, Natalia; CUCIUC, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Articolul prezent abordează valoarea nutritivă a brânzeturilor şi procesul de producere a lor.
  • GURANDA, Alexandru; CUCIUC, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Patriotismul, globalizarea şi ...bucătăria. Există oare legătură între aceste noţiuni? În prezentul articol am încercat să descopăr această legătură şi să delimitez locul bucătăriei.
  • NISTOR, Maria; MOSCALENCO, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Prezentul articol abordează problema apariţiei calculatoarelor biologice, avantajele şi utilizarea lor în viaţa contemporană.
  • VATCENCO, Svetlana; GRAJDEAN-BALABAN, I. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Lucrarea ce urmează tratează canapeaua drept un articol de mobilier indispensabil de locuinţa noastră. Canapeaua ca şi scaunul este o piesă de mobilă care-i provoacă pe designeri. De ce? Atunci când vine vorba de un obiect ...
  • TOLCACIOV, Dumitru; MOSCALENCO, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    În acest articol se fac unele încercări întru a ne convinge de necesitatea înlocuirii cărţilor obişnuite cu cele electronice, punctând şi unele avantaje ale acestor noi tehnologii.
  • TUJICOV, Alexei (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    We like to chew gum because it tastes great and freshens our breath, but a lot of us don’t know how it is made, what benefits and disadvantages it has. Should we use chewing gum or not? These are some pieces of information ...
  • NOVAC, Svetlana (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    When one thinks about a great snack that both kids and grown ups adore there has to be two main distinct ideas that pop into his head. For those “sweet members” of the society it would have to be the idea of candy, ...
  • Chocolate 
    CIUMAC, Valeria; JECHIU, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Nothing beats a good piece of chocolate. It’s rich, smooth, creamy and makes us feel good. It’s still hard to think of chocolate as a healthy food. Part of the allure is the guilty pleasure of eating it. But before we raid ...
  • COŞCIUC, Veronica (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Vous hésitez toujours à prendre du fromage à la fin du repas ? Voici cinq bonnes raisons qui vous ferons changer d‟avis…
  • BOSTAN, Dumitru; ABABII, Mariana (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    This article is about how clear technology comes in our life, how it is used every day by humanity and the plans for the future.
  • VITIUK, Alexandr; ABABII, M. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    This article presents information on the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), also known as an energy saving light, or less commonly as a compact fluorescent tube (CFT).
  • NICULAICIUC, Ana; CUCIUC, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Prezentul articol abordează importanţa laptelui, ca aliment indispensabil al alimentaţiei umane.
  • CRUDU, Veronica (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Cet article permet de parler de l'influence des medicaments sur les conducteurs. La vie a la priorité et donc la sécurité routière c'est la vie. Il n'existe pas d'études suffisantes concernant l'impact de la consommation ...
  • FURTUNA, Cristina; BICHIR, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Articolul reflectă chipuri ale oraşelor ideale – roadele imaginaţiei umane, ce n-au mai fost construite în realitate, devenind visul neîmplinit al omenirii.

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