În prezenta lucrare s-a identificat bacteriile participante la obţinerea preparatului lacto-bacterian. S-a stabilit că microflora tărâţelor de grâu a fost prezentată de următoarele microorganisme: lactobacillus plantarium, lactobacillus delbruieckii, pediococus cerevisiae, bacilus subtilis, muxococcus fulvus, muxococcus virescens, leuconostos mesenteroides, ervina herbicola. După tratamentul termic şi în procesul de fermentare la temperaturile de 480C şi 580C prevalează lactobacillus delbruckii.
It was identified the participated bacteria at the obtaining lacto-bacterian preparation on this work. It was stabled that the microflora of the wheat bran was presented by the follouing microorganism: lactobacillus plantarium, lactobacillus delbruieckii, pediococus cerevisiae, bacilus subtilis, muxococcus fulvus, muxococcus virescens, leuconostos mesenteroides, ervina herbicola. After the termic treatment and in the process of fermentation on the 480C and 580C prevail lactobacillus delbruckii.
Dans ce travail on identifie les bactéries participant en train de l’obtention de la préparation lacto-bactérienne. А de sons de blé étaient identifiés: lactobacillus plantarium, lactobacillus delbruieckii, pediococus cerevisiae, bacilus subtilis, muxococcus fulvus, muxococcus virescens, leuconostos mesenteroides, ervina herbicola. Après le traitement thermique et en train de la fermentation a la température 480C et 580C prévalent Lactobacillus delbruckii.
В работе идентифици-рованы бактерии, участвующие в процессе получения лакто-бактериального препарата. В пшеничных отрубях были идентифицированы: lactobacillus plantarium, lactobacillus delbruieckii, pediococus cerevisiae, bacilus subtilis, muxococcus fulvus, muxococcus virescens, leuconostos mesenteroides, ervina herbicola. После термической обработки и в процессе брожения при температуре 480С и 580С превалируют Lactobacillus delbruckii..