Scopul lucrării: elaborarea principiilor de formare a arhitecturii privind elaborarea modelului optim de dezvoltare durabilă a or.Tiraspol, precum şi elucidarea evoluţiei şi dezvoltării urbane şi a arhitecturii oraşului în raport cu factorul primordial al amplasării riverane.
Research objectives: Determination of priority architectural parameters of the city of Tiraspol; the establishment of features of formation of a theoretical model of the city development with the selection of architectural and town planning stages; determination of the dependence of the formation of urban tissue from the regulatory requirements of territorial division by zones.
Цель работы: заключается в разработке принципов формирования архитектуры для получения оптимальной модели устойчивого развития г.Тирасполя, а также выявление архитектурно-градостроительной эволюции города.