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Modelarea creşterii calităţii vieţii în Republica Moldova prin reţele Petri hibride

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dc.contributor.author GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana
dc.contributor.author GUŢULEAC, Emilian
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-22T09:11:05Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-22T09:11:05Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.citation GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana, GUŢULEAC, Emilian. Modelarea creşterii calităţii vieţii în Republica Moldova prin reţele Petri hibride. In: Microelectronics and Computer Science: proc. of the 8th intern. conf., October 22-25, 2014. Chişinău, 2014, pp. 204-208. ISBN 978-9975-45-329-5. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-45-329-5
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.utm.md/handle/5014/4988
dc.description.abstract In the article the authors present a brief feature difficult economic situation in Moldova, resolution of which is economic growth and quality of life (QOL). As an indicator of global CV is considered Human Development Index (HDI) proposed by UNDP permanent supplemented by additional indicators, which makes it relevant in determining the value and dynamic CV nationwide. The authors propose evaluating CV nationally by its index, the original information can servants HDI components: life expectancy per capita, GDP per capita at PPP and national education index. Using Timed Hybrid Petri nets managerial technique, the authors predict the current value of the index CV nationally and perspective for Moldova 2012-2022, showing the relevance of this calculation methodologies. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Tehnica UTM en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ *
dc.subject hybrid Petri nets en_US
dc.subject evaluation en_US
dc.subject quality of life en_US
dc.title Modelarea creşterii calităţii vieţii în Republica Moldova prin reţele Petri hibride en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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