In the paper, optical and photoelectrical properties of GaSe and InSe single crystal films of 10-5÷10-7 m submicron thickness and of semiconductor-native oxide structures obtained by annealing at (450÷700)°C in a normal atmosphere, are studied. The absorption spectrum of InSe lamella as well as of GaSe lamella in the energetic range from the red threshold up to 4,5 eV contains three bands with a rapid increase of the absorption coefficient which varies in the limits of (100÷106) cm-1. At the absorption coefficients of (100÷102)cm-1 the indirect optic transitions are present. At the energies higher than 1,25 eV and 2,01 eV for InSe and GaSe respectively the light absorption are determined by the direct optical transitions in the centre of the Brillouin zone and at the energies higher than 3,0 eV also by the direct optical transitions in the points of the bands high symmetry. The resistive photosensitivity bands cover the spectral range Eg≤ hν ≤ 4,5 eV for lamellar photoresistors in which electric field EC6. The resistive photosensitivity band width could be controlled by the lamella thickness for d ≥1μm. The open circuit voltage spectral distribution is analysed from which results that at the oxidation temperature of 700°C in GaSe layer at the heterojunction interface the defects are formed on which the charge carriers, collected in the junction, are dissipated. The noneequilibrium charge carrier free path is of 0,8 μm.