The aim of our research was to assess the influence of copper coordination compounds CMT-28 and CMT-67 and cyanobacterian remedy BioR on bone collagen and hydroxyproline (HYP) concentrations at different stages of postnatal ontogenesis in normal physiological conditions and experimental osteopathy (EO). The survey was conducted on a sample of 301 white laboratory rats of both sexes, which were divided depending on their stage of postnatal ontogenetic development and experimental model: control; animal with experimental osteopathy (EO); animals with EO+CMT-28 1 mg/kg body weight; animals with EO+CMT-67 1 mg/kg body weight; animals with EO+BioR 1mg/kg body weight; animals with EO+BioR 2 mg/kg body weight; animals with EO+CMT-28+BioR (1 mg/kg body weight each); animals with EO+BioR+CMT-67 (1 mg/kg body weight each). In physiological conditions the ontogenetic modifications of the bone collagen and HYP content are statistically conclusive and of the same orientation, the maximum concentration was identified in adult animals and the minimum at advanced stages of postnatal ontogenesis regardless of sex. Experimental osteopathy is characterized by age and sex dependent changes of the collagen and hydroxyproline concentrations in bone, the most significant changes being revealed in young females. Copper coordination compounds, BioR and their combinations increase the turnover of the collagen in bone in EO that is accompanied by decrease of collagen and increase of the HYP concentration that is probably a compensatory mechanism oriented to the replacement of the damaged collagen and the restoration of its normal nanostructure with the recovery of the bone.