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Browsing 2009 by Title

Browsing 2009 by Title

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  • NAZARIA, Natalia; CUCIUC, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Articolul prezent abordează valoarea nutritivă a brânzeturilor şi procesul de producere a lor.
  • NISTOR, Maria; MOSCALENCO, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Prezentul articol abordează problema apariţiei calculatoarelor biologice, avantajele şi utilizarea lor în viaţa contemporană.
  • TOLCACIOV, Dumitru; MOSCALENCO, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    În acest articol se fac unele încercări întru a ne convinge de necesitatea înlocuirii cărţilor obişnuite cu cele electronice, punctând şi unele avantaje ale acestor noi tehnologii.
  • COŞCIUC, Veronica (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Vous hésitez toujours à prendre du fromage à la fin du repas ? Voici cinq bonnes raisons qui vous ferons changer d‟avis…
  • VITIUK, Alexandr; ABABII, M. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    This article presents information on the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), also known as an energy saving light, or less commonly as a compact fluorescent tube (CFT).
  • NICULAICIUC, Ana; CUCIUC, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Prezentul articol abordează importanţa laptelui, ca aliment indispensabil al alimentaţiei umane.
  • CRUDU, Veronica (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Cet article permet de parler de l'influence des medicaments sur les conducteurs. La vie a la priorité et donc la sécurité routière c'est la vie. Il n'existe pas d'études suffisantes concernant l'impact de la consommation ...
  • CERNEI, Irina; CUCIUC, V (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Articolul dat abordează diferenţa dintre noţiunile consum de vin şi alcoolism, care, in esenţă, depind de simţul măsurii la persoană
  • BREGA, Ecaterina; PLAMADEALA, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    This article is about candy cotton, a product which we all enjoy due to its very sweet taste and which begins to gain popularity in the medical field as well. If you've ever been to a carnival, circus, amusement park, fair ...
  • RAILEAN, Elena; PLĂMĂDEALĂ, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    The article is an information about chocolate which has become one of the most popular flavours in the world. It is a common ingredient in many snacks and desserts, including cookies, cakes, pies and candies. Several types ...
  • DIAUR, Marcela; DAVID, Olga; Ojog, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Packaging is a multifunctional participant in food industry. The packs have multiple functions: they contain, preserve and protect the product. The outer covering has to inform the consumer and the design should promote ...
  • STEPAN, Ludmila; PROZOR-BARBALAT, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Every day we want to look well trying a lot of ways to achieve it. A dietary supplement is one of this way that would help us. In some cases it gives good results, in others doesn‟t. So my speech is about use and abuse of ...
  • VÎNTU, Stela; PROZOR-BARBALAT, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Energy balance is the balance between nutrients provided to the body and energy spenditure. Finding the right balance of intake and expenditure over time allows you to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. All changes ...
  • SNEJCO, Alexei; CUŞNIR, E. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    In this article the author gives a brief but many-sided characteristic of Impressionism, an outstanding art movement of the 19th century. Impressionism was a 19th-century art movement that began as an association of ...
  • BIVOL, Dorina; SĂRĂTURĂ, Anastasia; PLAMADEALA, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    The following work relates to food additives which play a vital role in today‟s bountiful and nutritious food supply, in special sweeteners due to their beneficial effects for diabetes mellitus, tooth decay and diarrhea. ...
  • CAZAC, Olga (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    L‟article traite le sujet des genoux de prothèses comme mécanismes intelligents, leurs particularités et leurs importance pour le déplacement humain. Tout les gens méritent de vivre leurs vies pleinement, mais ce rêve est ...
  • CIMPOIES, Inga; PLAMADEALA, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    The following article is an informational support on the importance of milk and its positive influence on our life. It is common knowledge that milk is our first food, and provides the basic building blocks for good health, ...
  • BURLACU, Ştefan; CUŞNIR, E. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Chip or smart cards are widely spread in the modern life. Their most common applications are in mobile phones and electronic means of payment. Where else are the smart cards used? How did they appear? The answers to these ...
  • STOEVA, Elena; PROZOR-BARBALAT, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Buying milk in shop, the majority of us makes a choice more likely senseless. Modern ways of processing and storage of this food stuffs are necessary for every person. But very few people from us know that the main feature ...
  • COTRUŢA, Alexandr; ŞCERBAC, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    The share of thermal energy plays the main part in the total energy use of our houses: 86% of energy use in private houses goes on heating and getting hot water. It is covered mostly due to gas and oil. As there are no ...

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