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Browsing 2011 by Title

Browsing 2011 by Title

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  • IZVOREANU, Bartolomeu (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In this paper is proposed the iterative algorithm of tuning the typical controllers P, PI, PID to the model objects with inertia second order, time delay and nonminimal phase. In the proposed algorithm it is using the ...
  • PĂDURE, Dmitrii; RUSU, Igor; PĂDURE, Natalia; NEMERENCO, Lucreţia (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Dezvoltarea sistemelor de comunicare are o viteză efemeră, astfel încît în fiecare zi apar noi tehnologii, însă în procesul de utilizare a acestora de către utilizatori, este necesară o protecţie avansată a informaţiei, ...
  • DAVID, Olga (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Before the teacher goes into a lesson, it helps to be clear about what he wants to do. A lot is going to happen on the spot in the class – he can't ever completely predict how learners will respond to anything - but the ...
  • DARADKEH, Yousef; ALMARWAN, Qutaibah; ALSALEEM, Muntaser (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In this paper I explain the most important modulation technique and I explain the type of this Technique (AM). Amplitude modulation (AM) reflectometry is a technique for density profile measurements in magnetic fusion ...
  • PENIN, Alexandr (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    For two-port circuit of direct current the problem of recalculation of the changeable load currents is considered. The approach on the basis of projective geometry is used for interpretation of changes or "kinematics" of ...
  • BEROV, M. N.; SHISHIYANU, S. T.; SHISHIYANU, T. S.; GUEORGUIEV, V. K. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    The effectiveness of solar cell panels depends from the shunt and series resistance of the panel. Significant power losses caused by the presence of a shunt resistance are typically due to manufacturing defects, rather ...
  • ŢURCANU, Iurie; GUŢULEAC, Emilian; PALII, Diana (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    În lucrare sunt considerate unele aspecte arhitecturale, de modelare şi analiză a proceselor sistemelor de calcul orientate pe servicii reconfigurabile (OSR) prin reţele Petri reconfigurabile stocastice (RPRS). În acest ...
  • CIORBĂ, Dumitru (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Două treimi din organizaţiile de dezvoltare software şi peste 10 milioane de specialişti IT (conform unor date ale BZ Research şi, respectiv, în baza analizelor Gartner, Inc.) utilizează limbajul unificat de modelare UML ...
  • ZINGAN, A. P.; KHADZHI, P. I. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    It was studied the dynamic of atom–molecular conversion in condition of bose – Einstein condensate with formation of homonuclear molecule in regime of self-acquisition. We received the conditions of appearance of ...
  • BEJENARI, Igor; KANTSER, Valeriu (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    We study the electronic structure of a cylindrical nanotube made of a topological insulator Bi2Te3. The calculation was made in the framework of the kp theory near the Γ point of the surface Brilloiun zone. A band gap size ...
  • MEGLEI, D.; DYNTU, M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    These studies and analysis of the literature data showed that these BMs can be used for the manufacture of sensing devices. In this work, we propose a technique of preparation of transducers using the studied BMs suitable ...
  • Eugeniu CATLABUGA (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In lucrare se prezintă scheme de bobinage înseriate prin ercoane cu contact deschis elaborate pentru maşini electrice de curent continuu cu scopul ameliorării comutaţiei in procesul de funcţionare a maşinei electrice. ...
  • OBJELEAN, Alexandru (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Javascript can be tough to maintain. The bigger is your project, the harder it will be to ensure that everything is ok. Luckily, there are tools to help you with that. One of the recently launched tools is JSHint, a online ...
  • CATERENCIUC, Svetlana (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Affixation is one of the most productive ways of enriching vocabulary. Prefixes and suffixes play important role in term-formation, classifying them according to their origin and part of speech.
  • CIORBĂ, Dumitru (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Specificarea defineşte totalitatea cerinţelor faţă de sistemul în elaborare pe care un dezvoltator le va implementa în mod obligatoriu. Multiple limbaje de specificare sunt cunoscute şi acceptate (mai mult sau mai puţin) ...
  • CĂRBUNE, Viorel; CHIRILA, Sergiu; PODUBNÎI, Marin (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    În acest articol s-a încercat să se propună metode şi instrumente pentru implementarea reţelelor neuronale artificiale în baza circuitelor FPGA. Motivele care au dus la elaborarea acestui articol sunt posibilităţile şi ...
  • BUZDUGA, Corneliu; BENABOU, Abdelkader; BEŞLIU, Victor; MARUSIC, Galina; FILOTE, Constantin; CIUFUDEAN, Călin (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    În acest articol prezentăm comportarea ferofluidului de tip APG E32 în prezenţa unui câmp magnetic. Experimentul s-a bazat pe introducerea unui tub cu ferofluid într-un câmp magnetic produs de doi electromagneţi, punctul ...
  • ABABII, Victor; SUDACEVSCHI, Viorica; PODUBNÎI, Marin; CĂRBUNE, Viorel; SAFONOV, Ghenadie; CEBAN, Liudmila; ABABII, Constantin (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Lucrarea da faţă este dedicată proiectării şi cercetării sistemelor de conducere a roboţilor autonomi mobili definiţi în spaţii cu coordonate relative. În scopul reducerii complexităţii modelelor matematice şi a sistemului ...
  • AVORNIC, A.; CANŢER, V.; ŢURCANU, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Soluţionarea problemelor apărute în activitatea economico-financiara a unei instituţii, în particular de cercetare, este dependentă de calitatea şi cantitatea informaţiilor procesate şi furnizate de sistemul informaţional ...
  • GANGAN, Sergiu; TROFIM, Viorel (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    This charge controller can be used with all different types of photovoltaic panels and batteries. Its control unit generates variable 0-100% duty cycle, resulting in efficient battery charging. To optimize the energy losses ...

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