The effectiveness of solar cell panels depends from the shunt and series resistance of the panel. Significant power losses caused by the presence of a shunt resistance are typically due to manufacturing defects, rather than poor solar cell design. Low shunt resistance causes power losses in solar cells by providing an alternate current path for the light-generated current. High leakage current in the reverse diode characteristics decreases the shunt resistance. High shunt resistance is necessary for quality solar cells and is a measure for the quality of the used technology operations. In the present work an example is given for the area distribution of reverse dark diode leakage currents in large area solar cell panel /0.8 m2/. The observed high leakage currents within local areas of the panel are due to contaminations during the cleaning of the substrates, technology ambient and transportation between the different technology steps. Control diode structures could be successfully used for periodical control of established manufacturing process.