Fine artists in textile art which were formed in the schools abroad Moldova SSR.
In the textile art from the period of MSSR have been activating a number of artists, schooled
in big cultural centers of the Union: Lvov (N. Ciornaia, V. Ivanciuc, I. Suh), St. Petersburg (V.
Damir), Moscow (V. Grama, A. Negura), Tallinn (L. Shevchenko, I. Baba), Vitebsk (L.
Cravcenco) and in European centers, as Budapest (A. Negura) etc., who left their mark on
creation. They entered in the creative competition in Moldovan batik and tapestry genres in
early 80's, with new visions, practicing the abstract art or just figurative one. Activating as
senior lecturers at specialized institutions from Chisinau, they had conditioned the
emergence of a new generation of artists as: A. Uvarova, E. Cemortan-Voloshin, T.
Trofimov, V. Tarasenco, I. Leahu etc.