The cultural, socio-professional, economic or ideological constraints define and delimit the framework in which human behavior evolves in different situations and which allows the building of a coherent and clear communication system as far as possible. It is therefore important to understand that human subjects are not an image, but that each of them has a reflection of the inner and outer environment to which they relate. In the first part of the paper are presented some general aspects regarding the importance of the optometrist specialist in all stages of interaction with human subjects (information, examination, correction, guidance). The second part of the paper identifies and analyzes a number of important aspects of human bio-behavior in order to establish the coordinates for visual comfort, increase self-esteem or visual aid, where appropriate, in the case of this new profession - optometry developed in Romania. In the final part of the paper are presented the results of this analysis and the conclusions from the processing of the information of a sample of 70 subjects with different parameters for obtaining a more general image related to bio-behavior of patients with ocular problems with implications for the optometric comfort and to find the best solutions for patients.