DSpace Repository

Secția Limbi Străine

Secția Limbi Străine


Conferinţa tehnico-ştiinţifică a studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor → 2020

Volumul 2


Quelques aspects concernant l’éclairage artificiel des espaces intérieurs CASIAN Cristina


Analysis of what makes a genius book cover COLESNICENCO Dina


Consequences de la negligence sur le patrimoine architectural de Chișinău COVACI Dorina


Fast fashion DANILOV Anastasia


The role of marketing research and wise decision making in bussiness prosperity MANCOȘ Lesi


L’analyse des 5 points de l’architecture moderne OLTEANU Sorin


An in-depth analysis of Gareth Morgan’s theory – metaphors of the organization PISTOL Larisa-Bianca


L’affacturage au niveau international et dans la République de Moldavie RUSU Aurelia, RUSU Nicolae


Eco design in Republic of Moldova VLEJU Diana


Recent Submissions

  • VLEJU, Diana (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    Although recycling may seem like a modern concept introduced with the environmental movement of the 1970s, it's actually been around for thousands of years. Prior to the industrial age, you couldn't make goods quickly ...
  • RUSU, Aurelia; RUSU, Nicolae (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    L'affacturage est une technique de financement et de recouvrement de créances mise en oeuvre par les entreprises et consistant à obtenir un financement anticipé et à sous-traiter cette gestion à un établissement de crédit ...
  • PISTOL, Larisa-Bianca (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    This paper is an overview over Gareth Morgan’s theory of metaphors of the organization and the idea of using the metaphor as a valuable tool to better understand the organizational dynamics and structure. I will now ...
  • OLTEANU, Sorin (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    Les constructions du XXème siècle déterminent la formation des tendances générales en architecture. Le Corbusier est le premier qui accepte le défi et conçoit les principes architecturaux surnommés «les 5 points de ...
  • MANCOȘ, Lesi (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    The article reveals the importance of market research in business decision making and the way a clever use of marketing research can contribute to the success of an entrepreneur. Top decision makers use these tools ...
  • DANILOV, Anastasia (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    Fast fashion. This is something you should Know about. It’s an unstoppable game of selling and consuming, where we play the main role and the ending is not that happy.
  • COVACI, Dorina (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    L’article vise à présenter la situation actuelle de certains monuments architecturaux historiques dans la capitale de la République de Moldova. Au fil des ans, ils ont subi de nombreuses transformations, dont certaines ...
  • COLESNICENCO, Dina (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    This article is an analysis of what key-points are to be taken into account when creating a book cover, hence making it attractive to the public. Also, it is about the correlation of these points and how they complete each other.
  • CASIAN, Cristina (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    La luminosité a un impact majeur sur l'apparence d'une pièce. Mais quand il s'agit de la façon dont la maison est conçue et décorée, les luminaires sont presque aussi importants que la couleur des murs. L’article ci-après ...