Table of Contents
A. Industrial Engineering
The performance of different vertical axis wind turbines with J-shaped blades RABEI Ivan
Stochastic optimal control of a two-dimensional dynamical system LEFEBVRE, Mario
Characteristics of quantum dots laser subjected to conventional and filtered optical feedback RUSU Spiridon, CHISTOL Vitalie, TRONCIU Vasile
B. Electronics and Computer Science
Microheaters for copper oxide-based gas sensors ABABII Nicolai, TROFIM Viorel, LUPAN Oleg
Challenges of nanotechnologies and some reliability aspects BĂJENESCU Titu-Marius I., BÂZU Marius I.
Nanosensors based on individual hybrid structures and their application in gas sensing at room temperature POSTICA Vasile, RASCH Florian, SCHÜTT Fabian, ADELUNG Rainer, LUPAN Oleg
Syndrome of the trephined and custom made cranioplasty using virtual surgical planning. A series of 10 cases PECIUL Andrei, STRÎŞCA Stanislav, DOGARU Constanţa, SÎRBU Dumitru, SONTEA Victor, SAVIŢCHI Evelina
Preliminary risk assessment of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in small-scale feed mills ADETIFA Babatunde O., OKEWOLE Oyewole T., SAMUEL Taiwo M., AKINYEMI Olasunkanmi O., ADEYEMI Hezekiah O.
C. Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Load-bearing capacity of damaged reinforced concrete span structures strengthened with prestressed metal casings DANILENKO Denis, ZAVOLOKA Michael, KARPIUK Vasyl, KARPIUK, Irina, RUSU Ion
Geotechnical properties of lateritic soil stabilized with cement and pulverized wood charcoal ADERINLEWO Olufikayo, SORUNKE Olayiwola, AFOLAYAN Abayomi, TANIMOLA Moses
Aspects regarding evaluation of compacting process by vibration of enzyme-stabilized soils BRAGUŢA Eugeniu, DOBRESCU Cornelia-Florentina
D. Food Engineering
Polyphenols and naphthoquinones extraction from walnuts pellicula: the impact on kernels quality BAERLE Alexei, TATAROV Pavel, SANDU Iuliana
Polyphenolic content and radical scavenging capacity of kohlrabi sprouts at different maturity stages PATRAS Antoanela