The Yangtze River, or Chang Jiang River is the third largest in the world, measuring over 6,200 km, of which 2,800 km navigability. Three Gorges dam is the largest power station in terms of installed capacity (20,3 GW), poses numerous problems, in particular on the environment, which is reflected in the safety of the population. Among the consequences include degraded quality of huge construction water, a strong impact on wildlife and the potential collapse of the banks of the river. At present, the water quality in the Yangtze head upstream worsened slowly and ecologists point to the accumulation of residues and the attention of toxins which until now were filtered out on the River, towards the sea. The development of algae has increased progressively since the dam's construction and soil erosion intensified, causing the fall of banks and major landslides. The Chinese, the State Department issued a document titled "plan after the three Gorges Dam Construction," acknowledging that the dam has negatively influenced the bottom and middle of the Yangtze River.