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Browsing Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics - CAIM by Issue Date

Browsing Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics - CAIM by Issue Date

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  • TELEUCĂ, Marcel; SALI, Larisa (Bons Offices, 2018)
    In our research, we started from the thesis that teachers’ metacognitive actions positively impact student performance on state and national tests as well as on measures of higher-order thinking more typically associated ...
  • ȚÎCĂU, Vitalie (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Combinatorica are o importanță considerabilă pentru teoria probabilităților, cibernetică, logica matematică, teoria numerelor, precum și pentru alte ramuri ale științei și tehnicii. În lucrare sunt cercetate avantajele ...
  • ȚARĂLUNGĂ, Boris; DRUC, Tatiana (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Un subiect important în teoria numerelor este studiul ecuațiilor Diofant, ecuații pentru care sunt permise numai soluții întregi. În lucrarea dată se cercetează ecuația Diofant și formulele soluțiilor.
  • POPA, Valeriu (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Let L be the class of locally compact abelian groups. For X ∈ L, we denote by t(X) the torsion subgroup of X and by E(X) the ring of continuous endomorphisms of X, taken with the compact-open topology. If X is topologically ...
  • LUNGU, Alexandru (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Let us have geometrical figure F with discrete group of symmetry G and finite set N = {1, 2, ..., m} of „indexes”, which mean a non-geometrical feature. On fix a certain transitive group P of permutations over N. We will ...
  • DEMCHENKO, O.; VOSTOKOV, S.; VOSTOKOVA, R. P. (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Formal groups are easily defined algebraic objects that have a wide range of applications in many field of mathematics from cobordism theory to number theory with the present talk being devoted to the latter. They are ...
  • KUZNETSOV, Eugene (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Theorem 1. Let G be a group and H ⊆ K ⊆ G be its two included subgroups. Let set T = {ti, j}i∈E1, j∈E2 be a loop transversal in G to H and set T1 = {t0, j}j∈E2 be a corresponding loop transversal in K to H.
  • COJUHARI, E. P.; GARDNER, B. J. (Bons Offices, 2018)
    In this talk all rings have identity but need not be commutative. In many cases the ring A(G; σ) is a subnormalizing extension of A generated by G. On the other hand, if S is a subnormalizing extension of R, the xi form a ...
  • CATARANCIUC, Sergiu; BRAGUȚA, Galina (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Knowing m-extreme points of a set often simplifies the procedure of convex hull construction and the study of its properties. Let denote by extm(A) the set of all m-extreme points of the set A.
  • NEGRU, Ion (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Consider the following implicational formulae: A1 = (p ⊃ p), A2 = (((p ⊃ p) ⊃ p) ⊃ p) = ((A1 ⊃ p) ⊃ p), …, Ai+1 = ((Ai ⊃ p) ⊃ p), …, (i = 1, 2, 3, …). Using these formulae (axioms), we may construct the following logics: ...
  • DIDURIK, Natalia (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Definition 1. Quasigroup (Q, •) is unipotent if and only if x • x = a for all x ∈ Q and some fixed element a ∈ Q. Definition 2. Quasigroup (Q, •) has right unit element (a right unit) if there exists element e (unique) ...
  • SKURATOVSKII, Ruslan (Bons Offices, 2018)
    We consider algebraic affine and projective curves of Edwards over a finite field Fpn. Most cryptosystems of the modern cryptography can be naturally transform into elliptic curves. We research Edwards algebraic curves ...
  • SKURATOVSKII, Ruslan (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Given a permutational wreath product sequence of cyclic groups of order 2 we research a commutator width of such groups and some properties of its commutator subgroup. The paper presents a construction of commutator subgroup ...
  • RUSU, Andrei; RUSU, Elena (Bons Offices, 2018)
    They say formula F is weak-expressible by formulas of the system Σ in the logic L if F can be obtained from unary formulas of L and from formulas of Σ by applying the rule of weak substitution (which allows to pass from ...
  • SYRBU, P.; GRECU, I. (Bons Offices, 2018)
    The multiplication groups of quasigroups, i.e. the groups generated by all left and right translations, represent an efficient tool in the theory of quasigroups (loops). Belousov considered the groups, generated by all ...
  • NEGRU, Ion (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Firstly, a reminder that a lattice is a set S of elements; it is partially ordered, closed in relation to two lattice operations: the reunion a + b and the intersection a • b of any two elements a and b from set S. (The ...
  • URSU, Vasile (Bons Offices, 2018)
    The correspondence by the ring of integers corresponds to a metabelian commutative free automorphic loop of rank two. We derive some equational properties of this loop and prove, that the elementary theory free n-nilpotent ...
  • ONOI, Vasilii I. (Bons Offices, 2018)
    It is demonstrated that there exist ternary Moufang loops that are different from ternary groups. Let (K, +, •, 1) be an associative ring (not necessary commutative) which has characteristic 3, i.e., x + x + x = 0 for all x ∈ K.
  • ZAMORZAEVA, Elizaveta (Bons Offices, 2018)
    A tiling W of the sphere with disks is called k-isohedral with respect to a discrete isometry group G if G maps the tiling W onto itself and the disks of W fall into k transitivity classes under the action of the group G.
  • URSU, Leonid (Bons Offices, 2018)
    In this work necessary and sufficient conditions that isotope of n-IP-loop (n ∈ N∗, n > 3) is also n-IP-loop are proved. Definition of n-ary Moufang loop is given, example of such loop is constructed.

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