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  • MORARU, Dumitru (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    În articol este descrisă arhitectura internă a unui sistem de baze de date conform standardului ANSI-SPARC, când și de cine a fost creată, care este obiectivul ei. Se precizează avantajele separării vederii fiecărui ...
  • CĂRBUNE, Viorel; CALMÎCOV, Igor; GÎSCĂ, Vasile (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Problema gestionării reurselor într-un proces industrial este una foarte actuală şi complexă şi pentru a putea fi rezolvată este necesară crearea unui sistem informational destul de performant cu posibilităţi speciale de ...
  • BACIU, Anatolie Jacob; MEREUTA, Ion; FEDASH, Vasile; LISTOPADOVA, Lyudmila (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    An attempt to carry out a conceptual synthesis based on reviewed data and conduct experimental testing of the effects of bimodal signaling in the "environment-person" communication. It is emphasized that The environment ...
  • BARANOV, Simion; REDWING, Joan; CINIC, Boris (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    Arsenic (III) oxide was obtained from vapor stream at processing technological waste in manufacturing of the gallium arsenide epitaxial structure. It has a cubic crystal structure, elementary cell a=11.05(4)Ǻ, Fd3m space ...
  • LORCHENKOV, Alexandr (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The present paper is devoted to the questions of the electroencephalograms (EEG) classification. The main objective of the work is ART Neural Network method as applied to the EEG clustering. The first section reviews the ...
  • SURDU, A.; KOCH, Th.; ZDRAVKOV, V.; SOCROVISCHIUC, A.; PREPELITSA, A.; OBERMAIER, G.; WIXFORTH, A.; HAHN, H.; SIDORENKO, A. S. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Superconducting properties of high-quality films of the first multiband superconductor, magnesium diboride, have been investigated. The dominating role of thermally activated flux flow for the low parts of the superconducting ...
  • STATI, Dumitru D.; KRAVTSOV, Victor Ch.; BACA, Svetlana G. (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Prin ingineria cristalelor se subînțelege producerea cristalelor prin design sau asamblarea moleculelor sau componentelor ionice in arhitectura dorită folosînd rețele cu interacțiuni supramoleculare. Aceste interacțiuni ...
  • BEŞLIU, Victor; CIORBA, Dumitru; CHRONOPOULOS, Anthony T. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The concurrent systems have some functionality that are not or cannot be localized in separate structural units because of classic approach of abstractization and modulation. This is realized through system’s components, ...
  • LEVINEŢ, Nicolai; GÎRŞCAN, Andrian; ILCO, Valentin (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    în lucrare se elucidează procesul de proiectare a softului pe baza limbajelor artificiale de modelare, care presupun elaborarea unor diagrame ce vor oferi o viziune de funcţionare a fiecărui sistem din satelit. La etapa ...
  • ŢURCANU, Iurie; GUŢULEAC, Emilian; PALII, Diana (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    În lucrare sunt considerate unele aspecte arhitecturale, de modelare şi analiză a proceselor sistemelor de calcul orientate pe servicii reconfigurabile (OSR) prin reţele Petri reconfigurabile stocastice (RPRS). În acest ...
  • BOLOGA, M.; PALADII, I.; VRABIE, E.; STEPURINA, T.; VRABIE, V.; ILIASENCO, O.; SPRINCEAN, C.; POLICARPOV, A.; GONCIARUC, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Utilizarea deșeurilor biogene, care au diverse efecte negative asupra mediului necesită abordarea unor probleme urgente, și anume elaborarea procedeelor non-reziduale de procesare. Conform datelor oficiale volumul de deșeuri ...
  • CREŢU, Sergiu; POPESCU, Anatol (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    This study aims to develop techniques for determining the meaning (Sinn) of a sentence written or spoken in natural language, based on meaning (Meaning, Bedeutung) of lexical units fixed by a vocabulary (elaborated ad-hoc) ...
  • CIORBĂ, Dumitru (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Două treimi din organizaţiile de dezvoltare software şi peste 10 milioane de specialişti IT (conform unor date ale BZ Research şi, respectiv, în baza analizelor Gartner, Inc.) utilizează limbajul unificat de modelare UML ...
  • NASTAS, Vitalie (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The paper relates about some aspects of application of the metrological impedance simulators (MIS) for high precision impedance measurement. The classification of these devices and the most important requirements are ...
  • FĂRTĂŢESCU, Bogdan Ioan (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    This paper will focus on the possibility of distributed computing over a Bluetooth network. In the paper two experiments will be presented, one for a low computationalapplication and one for a high computational application. ...
  • BURLACU, Natalia (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    Given paper is presented as a theoretical-applied study that falls within the scientific dimensions of the theory and methodology of didactic evaluation. The author uses descriptive and analytical research methods; comes ...
  • COJOCARU, Ion; ŞERBANAŢI, Luca; PĂVĂLOIU, Bujor; RADOVICI, Alexandru; VASILOŢEANU, Andrei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Once with the enhancement of the integrated circuits (IC), the number of tests and the time of creating them was augmenting much, and the detecting errors tests from the combinational circuits (CC) with convergent fan-out ...
  • RĂCUCIU, Ciprian; DOCHIŢOIU, Constantin; JULA, Nicolae; PEARSICĂ, Marian (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    Data security became a very important problem in our days. For this reason the algorithms involved get faster and more resistant to cryptographic attacks. Because of the improvement of the channels, images are more often ...
  • IGNAT, M.; TUDORACHE, A. M.; OJOGA, M. (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    The authors present , a specific glove with microsensors for microforce determination which is produced with the fingers for the dynamic estimations.
  • PALARIE, V.; NACU, V. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    Reconstruction of bone atrophies and rehabilitation using dental implants are often evaluated based on biologic aspects. As reconstructed jaw also has to ensure primary implant stability, the goals of this study were to ...

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