Browsing Conferințe by Subject "management"

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  • BOTEZAT, Roman; MORARI, Gheorghe; GOGOI, Elena (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    As information has become more accessible for the ordinary human, psychology began being a hot topic amongst people. Emotions and their importance are being taught to children from a young age. Anger is a powerful emotion ...
  • CEBOTARENCO, Igor (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The construction industry is involved in creating the physical assets which are the basis of virtually every aspect of development, and in the creation of much of the world’s man-made capital (Spence, R. and Mulligan, H. ...
  • ZUZA, Andrei (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    Gestionarea imobilului locativ este o activitate supravegheată de către sistemul instituțional competent și reprezintă importanța fiecărei structuri în cadrului sistemului. Fondul locativ al municipiului Chișinău reprezintă ...
  • TĂTARU, Boris; VACARCIUC, Carolina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The article depicts the great influence Coronavirus Pandemic had and still has on the worldwide business-related picture. In the following lines there will be presented the causes and solutions modern businesses adopt ...
  • CORMAN, Daniel; EVSTAFIEV, Nicolae (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    Have you ever meet the stereotype that a programmer is just a very introvert person that sits every day in front of the computer, doesn't speak to anyone and does some magic with a computer? If so, then you have to know ...
  • POCIUMBAN, Nicoleta (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Le management des risques pour les entreprises moldaves est un élément très important pour leur bonne fonctionnalité. Dans l’article présent on a identifié les facteurs de risques des entreprises et les étapes principales ...
  • GOLOVACI, Florin-Anastasie (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    Managementul poate fi definit ca un ansamblu de persoane, metode, tehnici, procedee, instrumente și acțiuni, prin care se urmărește transformarea efectului utilizării capitalului firmei în profit și implicit creșterea ...
  • UNGUREANU, Cristina - Elena; CHIRIŢĂ, Rebecca Ana Maria; SBÎRCEA, Ioana-Alexandra (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Since its early days, the field of management has undergone a series of significant evolution phases. Along with it, management theories and practices have evolved side by side and made their presence known in domains such ...

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