Facultatea Calculatoare, Informatică şi Microelectronică: Recent submissions

    The theory of superconductor-ferromagnet (S-F) layered heterostructures with two and more ferromagnetic layers predicts generation of long-range, odd-in-frequency triplet pairing at non-collinear alignment of magnetizations ...
  • ЧИЛОЧИ, А.; ТЮРИНА, Ж.; ЛАБЛЮК, С.; ДВОРНИНА, Е.; КЛАПКО, С.; БИВОЛ, Ч.; ГУЦУЛ, Т.; РУСУ, Е.; ДВОРНИКОВ, Д. (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    В последние годы в связи с интенсивным развитием биотехнологии неуклонно расширяется применение внеклеточных ферментов, продуцируемых микроорганизмами, что делает актуальной задачу оптимизации их биосинтеза. Определенное ...
  • ŢAPOC, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    The article addresses the transdisciplinary paradigm from two viewpoints: research and life practice. The methodology of transdisciplinary research contributes to the progress of science in all its aspects, including through ...
  • TIHON, Aliona (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Dezvoltarea rapidă a tehnologiei informației în ultimii ani a avut un impact crescând asupra societății și a economiei globale, aducând în prim plan schimbări fundamentale ale modelelor de producție și distribuție, condițiilor ...
  • ESPÍRITU GARCÍA MOLINA, Ignacio; DUNAI DUNAI, Larisa; LENGUA LENGUA, Ismael (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    The proposed work treat about the analysis and development of an orthotic device for people suffering Radian Nerve Palsy known as wrist drop. This disability impairs the correct functionality of the human wrist, shirking ...
  • DARADKEH, Yousef Ibrahim; ARISTOVA, Svetlana Mikhailovna; KOROLEV, Petr Mikhailovich (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Practice on development the business applications for companies are presented; issues of audit threats to information systems counterpointed as good and bad news for business and engineers. Ways to exploit the vulnerability ...
  • BOGATENCOV, Petru; SECRIERU, Grigore (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    În prezenta lucrare este efectuat un studiu al evoluţiei infrastructurilor electronice care sunt considerate ca un factor-cheie pentru dezvoltarea științei, educației și altor domenii. Dezvoltarea spațiului digital ...
  • BRAGARU, Tudor (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Circa 30% din procesul educațional ocupă evaluarea. Or, evaluarea cantitativă și calitativă a cunoștințelor, capacităților și competențelor constituie un factor important al învățării eficiente. În ultimul timp unul dintre ...
  • BALMUȘ, Nicolae; BURLACU, Natalia (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    În lucrare se prezintă un model de manual digital interactiv de informatică elaborat de autori în mediul de programare Delphi 10 Seattle. Manualul permite rularea interactivă a exemplelor de programe TPascal, C++, Delphi. ...
  • ANDRONIC, Ion Ia; BALMUȘ, Valeriu (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    În lucrare se prezintă un model de manual digital interactiv de fizică elaborat de autori în baza softurilor li lucrărilor virtuale de fizică elaborate de autori și prezentate la diverse manifestări științifice naționale ...
  • NICA, Iurie; CEBOTARI, Valeriu; POGORELISCHI, Leonid; SAULEA, Aurel (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Recently, a special application has obtained non-invasive stimulation methods with low energy laser beams (L.L.L.T- low level laser therapy) or non-coherent intensive light beams of different wavelengths, hereinafter called ...
  • KANAROVSKII, E. Yu.; YALTYCHENKO, O.V.; GORINCHOY, N.N. (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    This paper represents a theoretical description of the kinetics, taking into account the mechanism of antiradical activity of the antioxidant. Based on the analysis of this problem, a kinetic model is formulated that ...
  • TODEREAN, Gavril; BUZA, Ovidiu; BALOGH, András (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    This paper presents the text-to-speech systems developed by our team at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. The speech-synthesis methods we implemented are the formantic, the phoneme-and diphoneme-based, the Multipulse ...
  • MESHALKIN, Alexei; KAZAK, Veronika; SHEVKUNOV, Igor; ACHIMOVA, Elena; ABASHKIN, Vladimir; KATKOVNIK, Vladimir (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    An application of phase harmonic grating for digital holographic imaging was modeled. The process of digital hologram recording was simulated in off-axis geometry combined by placing a grating in reference or object beam ...
  • ШТАЦКАЯ, Наталья Сергеевна; ХАДЖИ, Петр Иванович (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Простой пружинный маятник состоит из грузика массой, прикрепленного к свободному концу невесомой пружинки с коэффициентом упругости, второй конец которой неподвижно закреплен в точке продольных колебаний вдоль оси пружинки ...
  • PLEȘCA, Natalia (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Web applications have a growing role in the work of any organization today, but there is another aspect of web application exploitation: compromising the application can lead to trust loss in the organization, or the ...
  • PAȘA, Tatiana; UNGUREANU, Valeriu (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Some aspects related to the structure of a non- linear network transportation problem are investigated. An improvement of an algorithm proposed earlier is provided by the means of sequential and parallel programming and ...
  • PENIN, Alexandr; SIDORENKO, Anatolie (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    The restriction of load power, two–valued regulation characteristic, and interference of loads is observed in power supply systems with limited power of voltage source. The interpretation of load regime changes is presented ...
  • BĂRBAT, Boldur E.; FILIP, Florin G. (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    Continuing the preceding paper [5], this one illustrates Cybernetic Modelling, applying it to biologic stability. A Lotka-Volterra model for predator-prey species is employed to (discrete-time) modelling homeostasis with ...
  • GOLUBEV, Alexandr; BOGATENCOV, Peter; SECRIERU, Grigore (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    В работе анализируются воэможные решения проблем хранения и доступа к медицинским изображениям на основе распределённого хранилища больших объёмов данных с разным уровнем доступа. Уровень доступа в данном случае характеризуется ...

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