Facultatea Calculatoare, Informatică şi Microelectronică: Recent submissions

  • DAVID, Olga (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Before the teacher goes into a lesson, it helps to be clear about what he wants to do. A lot is going to happen on the spot in the class – he can't ever completely predict how learners will respond to anything - but the ...
  • MAXIM, Victoria (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In information retrieval and natural language processing (NLP), question answering (QA) is the task of automatically answering a question posed in natural language. To find the answer to a question, a QA computer program ...
  • BUTNARU, Maria; CAPATANA, Ana; CAPATANA, Gheorghe; COBILEANSCHI, Oleg; POPOV, Alexandru (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In the paper are described the objectives and designing status of an intelligent software for support of: a) remission’s research of patients with resistant forms of epilepsy; b) diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy patients ...
  • СМЫСЛОВ, В.; ЯКУНИН, В.; БЕЛОЦЕРКОВСКИЙ, И.; ЯКУНИН, А. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    The plotting of water level fluctuations in wells is one of the most effective methods for registering hydrogeological information. According to long-term observations, it is possible to estimate the aquifer discharge and ...
  • CATLABUGA, Eugeniu (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    În proiectarea invertoarelor şi a convertoarelor de curent continuu-alternativ se întâlnesc unele deficienţe în calcularea componentelor electronice cât şi a elementelor feromagnetice . Calculele nu întodeauna pot asigura ...
  • BOBICEV, Victoria (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Sisteme de întrebare-răspuns (Question-Answering systems) au nevoie de procesare intensivă a textului, etapele de preprocesare fiind analiza morfologică şi sintactică. În lucrarea dată este descris procesul de analiză a ...
  • ORLOVSKI, Ian (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In the article will be examined variant of application graph logic language for modelling information systems. With this purpose after comparison of some existing methodologies will be proposed ways for language use, ...
  • НЕЗНАНОВ, Владимир; ФЛОРЯ, Анна; РОМАНЕНКО, Александр; БАЛМУШ, Ион (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Всѐ большую популярность в частном секторе приобретают системы отопления, использующие в своѐм составе альтернативные источники энергии. В виду дороговизны специализированных приборов учѐта их установка в системах такого ...
  • НЕЗНАНОВ, Владимир; ФЛОРЯ, Анна; РОМАНЕНКО, Александр; БАЛМУШ, Ион (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    В связи с тем, что в Республике Молдова отсутствуют собственные запасы энергоносителей, способные полностью удовлетворить собственные нужды, в последнее время становятся актуальными системы энергоснабжения с использованием ...
  • BOTNARU, Raisa; BOBICEV, Victoria (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    În articolul dat se descrie clasificarea întrebărilor pentru sistemul de tip întrebare-răspuns ce se crează în baza documentelor IDSI. Au fost elaborate 29 tipuri de întrebări care se includ în 8 clase majore propuse la ...
  • BOBICEV, Victoria; LAZU, Victoria; CARCEA, Liviu (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Cet article présente une méthode universelle de restauration des signes diacritiques. Presque toutes les langues européennes utilisent les signes diacritiques et leur absence dans le texte est un problème commun. La méthode ...
  • OBJELEAN, Alina (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Many organisations, both large and small, understand the competitive advantage that comes from leveraging the knowledge locked in their databases. The digital economy is largely driven by the effectiveness of use of this ...
  • BEŞLIU, Victor; IACOB, Mihela (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Lucrarea tratează problema interoperabilităţii în cadrul sistemelor de guvernare electronică. Studierea modalităţilor de abordare a problemei şi a soluţiilor existente a condus la o serie de concluzii şi recomandări, care ...
  • OBJELEAN, Alexandru (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    JSON (Java Script Object Notation) [1] is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It can be used as a data interchange format, just ...
  • CIORBĂ, Dumitru (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Două treimi din organizaţiile de dezvoltare software şi peste 10 milioane de specialişti IT (conform unor date ale BZ Research şi, respectiv, în baza analizelor Gartner, Inc.) utilizează limbajul unificat de modelare UML ...
  • CIORBĂ, Dumitru (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Concurenţa, fiind o proprietate critică de sistem, trebuie luată în considerare încă de la etapele iniţiale de elaborare – arhitecturare. Descrierea proprietăţilor arhitecturale se fac prin intermediul limbajelor de ...
  • CIORBĂ, Dumitru (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Specificarea defineşte totalitatea cerinţelor faţă de sistemul în elaborare pe care un dezvoltator le va implementa în mod obligatoriu. Multiple limbaje de specificare sunt cunoscute şi acceptate (mai mult sau mai puţin) ...
  • АГАФОНОВ, Анатолий; БАЛАБАНОВ, Анатолий; ИЗВОРЯНУ, Бартоломеу; КОЖУХАРЬ, Ирина (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Одной из часто применяемых на практике асимметричных криптографических систем является система RSA. Среди ее рабочих задач и алгоритмов выделяется процедура генерации криптоключей. В работе авторов предложен усовершенствованный ...
  • FIODOROV, Ion; PUTERE, Aliona (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    A method of synthesis of dynamic systems in states space with maximal stability degree is proposed in this paper. Synthesis algorithm of systems in states space with maximal stability degree for control of models’objects ...
  • HOHAN, Yuriy; LUCHIANOVA, Ludmila (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Code analysis is a very important issue nowadays. In late 80s people only tended to try to make their software qualitative. Nowadays it is a must for a professional software developer and is one of those critical criteria ...

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