Facultatea Calculatoare, Informatică şi Microelectronică: Recent submissions

  • FOMIN, V. M.; GLADILIN, V. N.; DEVREESE, J. T.; OFFERMANS, P.; KLEEMANS, N.; KOENRAAD, P. M.; WOLTER, J. H.; GRANADOS, D.; GARCÍA, J. M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    Based on the structural information obtained from X-STM measurements, we calculate the electron energy spectra in quantum rings (QR)s and the electron orbital magnetization as a function of the applied magnetic field. Shape ...
  • SINGH, R.; POOLE, K. F. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The semiconductor industry (consisting of design of integrated circuits, semiconductor wafer processing, packaging, testing, and materials supply) with annual sale of over $200 billion serves as a feedstock to the electronics ...
  • MIRONOV, B.; MIRONOVA, M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In practical experimental production both application of digital chips and other electronic circuits, it happens it is necessary to make their selection and classification on temporary parameters. The application of usual ...
  • NASTAS, Vitalie; CAZAC, Artur; NASTAS, Alexandru (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The paper presents an impedance meter based on the effect of simulated resonance. The series resonance circuit supplied with an polar-coordinates impedance simulator, an current signal generator and an phase-sensitive ...
  • COLPACOVICI, Iulian; AVRAM, Ion; GRITCO, Roman; PARVAN, Vladimir (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The coaxial microwire is a perspective element for application in microelectronic devices of a radio-frequency wave band. Theoretical definition of primary (linear) parameters of a coaxial microwire is carried out. The ...
  • COLPACOVICI, Iulian; AVRAM, Ion; GRITCO, Roman; PARVAN, Vladimir; GORODENCO, Oxana (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The bimetallic sheath of a coaxial microwire have an influence on its parameters. Thickness and properties of a magnetic covering of the sheath influence on value of line-ar inductance and wave resistance, attenuation and ...
  • NASTAS, Vitalie (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The paper contains analysis of two types of metrological polar - coordinate impedance simulators: with current control and with voltage control. Synthesis of the impedance simulators circuits is considered. The offered ...
  • TRONCIU, V .Z.; ABRAM, R. A.; RUSU, S. S.; BARDETCHI, P. I. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    We discuss the phenomena of excitability and coherence resonance of a nonlinear ring cavity where excitons and biexcitons are created. A bifurcation analysis of the ring cavity dynamics demonstrates both the existence of ...
  • IZVOREANU, Bartolomeu; FIODOROV, Ion; COJUHARI, Irina; TONU, Svetlana (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    A procedure of tuning of linear controllers to the fourth order advance delay objects’ models with nonminimal phase and astatism is proposed in this paper. The object is presented with transfer function that contains one ...
  • SHOLARI, Evgheni (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In the work the essence problem of prognostication, and also an opportunity of use of neural networks in political and sociological prognostication is examined. Also the traditional methods applied in political and ...
  • ZAPOROJAN, Sergiu; PLOTNIC, Constantin; LARIN, Vladimir (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Aplicaţia destinată planificării procesului de fabricare a microfirului este dezvoltată sub formă de două module, modulul care realizează interfaţa utilizatorului cu sistemul de operare şi modulul care implementează ...
  • CREŢU, Sergiu; POPESCU, Anatol (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    This study aims to develop techniques for determining the meaning (Sinn) of a sentence written or spoken in natural language, based on meaning (Meaning, Bedeutung) of lexical units fixed by a vocabulary (elaborated ad-hoc) ...
  • CĂRBUNE, Viorel; CALMÎCOV, Igor; GÎSCĂ, Vasile (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Problema gestionării reurselor într-un proces industrial este una foarte actuală şi complexă şi pentru a putea fi rezolvată este necesară crearea unui sistem informational destul de performant cu posibilităţi speciale de ...
  • BREAHNA, Constantin; BOBICEV, Victoria (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Lucrarea dată prezintă un sistem întrebare-răspuns online. Acest sistem răspunde utilizatorilor la întrebări din domeniul medicinei, ce ţin de boli, simptome şi metode de tratament. Întrebările sunt formulate de către ...
  • MORARU, Vasile; ZAPOROJAN, Sergiu; STOIAN, Dumitru (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    În lucrarea de faţă problema de programare pătratică strict convexă cu restricţii inegalităţi liniare, utilizând o abordare a multiplicatorilor Lagrange, se reduce la rezolvarea unei probleme cu constrângeri simple. În ...
  • САРАНЧУК, Дориан; САЖИН, Юлиана (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    В статье рассмотрены основные направления изучения в области баз данных в различных высших учебных заведениях мира. Приведено описание современных направлений исследований и развития баз данных. Проанализированы доступные ...
  • САРАНЧУК, Дориан; ОЛЕЙНИК, Сергей; ЧЕБОТАРЬ, Сергей (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    В статье представлено программное приложение для логического проектирования БД. Приведены основные концепции реализации системы, реализованные алгоритмы, примеры работы приложения, а также инструкции по взаимодействию с ...
  • DOHOTARU, Leonid; COJUHARI, Elena; COSTAŞ, Ana; MÎNDRU, Ghenadie; RUSU, Galina (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    In this paper we give a concise assessment of the educational experience of teaching mathematical disciplines using the instrumentality of MOODLE. The stages and methodology for creating on-line courses on the web-platform ...
  • POPA, V.; VOLCIUC, O.; SONTEA, V.; TIGINYANU, I. M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In this paper, we demonstrate that using GaN nanocone morphology obtained by photo electrochemical etching, it is possible to obtain very stable and easy in manufacturing gas sensors, in particular for hydrogen detection.
  • COSTAŞ, Ana (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    The Informational Technologies in evolutive process have promoted the elearning as an alternative to teaching - learning - assessment methods, being accepted by higher education units, due to multiple and multi-aspectual ...

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