Conferinţa "Microelectronics and Computer Science": Recent submissions

  • MICEA, Mihai V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The problem of providing high predictability when scheduling critical and hard realtime applications on embedded and DSP-based platforms is studied in this paper. A model of hard real-time tasks, the ModX (executable ...
  • RADULESCU, Monica; IONESCU, Felicia; STOICA, Cristina; STOICA, Valentin (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    Digital watermarking has been proposed as a solution to the problem of copyright protection of multimedia data in a networked environment. It makes possible to tightly associate to a digital document a code allowing the ...
  • RYBAKIN, B. P.; MAGARIU, G. A.; BURTSEVA, L. V.; VERLAN, T. B. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In present days the models which concern biogas generation processes are very actual. Models are designed as the instrument which provides forecasting, monitoring and management of solid waste behavior. Such models help ...
  • BELDIANU, Spiridon Florin (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The codeword searching sequence is sometimes vital to the efficiency of a VQ encoding algorithm. In this paper, we present a fast encoding algorithm for vector quantization that uses Tchebichef moments of an image block ...
  • FAGADAR-COSMA, Mihai; FANICIU, Liviu D.; MICEA, Mihai V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    This paper focuses on the design and implementation of a digital equipment capable of acting as a bridge between two different networks: a plesiochronous digital hierarchy and a Fast-Ethernet network. The device, named ...
  • BOLUN, Ion; CIUMAC, Anatol; SVERINIUC, Andrei (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    Results on the configuration of homogeneous set of servers for computer networks, aiming the minimization of its total cost are presented. The optimal solution significant dependence with the number of server types (from ...
  • FOTENCO, Vladimir (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    The necessity of this report, first of all, is based on a simplified vision of information society, widespread in scientific community. It does not base on the levels of information society and its model. The majority of ...
  • BURTSEVA, L.; COJOCARU, S.; GAINDRIC, C.; MAGARIU, G.; VERLAN, T. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In this chapter we want to state shortly the basic components, manifestations of the problem of “digital divide”, as well as the ways of its solution in specific country with its specific regional, social, historical and ...
  • MUNTEAN, Traian; (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    This talk extends a formal model of computing based on location based diffusion communications introduced some years ago. In this model directed broadcasting communications, instead of largely used point-to-point communication ...
  • SLĂVESCU, Radu Răzvan; BUIAN, Marcel; GROZA, Adrian; BĂRBĂNŢAN, Ioana (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Se prezintă un sistem care să asiste generarea unui fişier de intrare pentru implementarea CRF++ a modelului Conditional Random Fields. CRF++ are nevoie de un astfel de fişier pentru a construi un model care să permită ...
  • MARGINEAN, Anca; NAN, Cristina (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Analiza sentimentelor este o componenta importanta in Web2.0. Desi interesul principal vine din directia markertingului in vederea identificarii tendintelor sociale, consideram ca multe alte domenii nu trebuie neglijate. ...
  • GROZA, Adrian; SLAVESCU, Radu Razvan; DRAGOSTE, Irina; VARGA, Bernadette (2014)
    This paper presents a large domain ontology for the Romanian tourism. The ontology was developed in the KRSS syntax in a modular way. After introducing the core ontology, we detail various models that encapsulate knowledge ...
  • GROSU, Olga; BALMUŞ, Nicolae; BALMUŞ, Ion (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    În lucrare se descrie un soft educaţional, de concepţie proprie, cu ajutorul căruia elevii şi studenţii însuşesc mai profund bazele teoretice ale prelucrării datelor experimentale afectate de erori întâmplătoare.
  • PAXIMADI, Elena (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    This paper provides a description of application Deplhi, determine velocity in the implementation of educational software. The computer should not be a simple add-on in learning and teaching. It should lead to increasing ...
  • BULAI, Rodica; DUCA, Ludmila (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    In this paper is done the comparative analysis of standard ISO/IEC 27001 The System management of information security (SMSI) the versions 2005 and 2013. It is proposed the recommendations according to the implementation ...
  • PAVLOV, Alexandr; LUCHIANOVA, Liudmila (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Elaborarea unei aplicaţii interactiv – informativă care vizează crearea şi implementarea „Tabelului periodic a lui Mendeleev ”, cu scopul analizei, aprofundării cunoştinţelor şi proprietăţilor elementelor chimice existente ...
  • DUCA, Maria; PEDRINI, Giancarlo; CLAUS, Daniel; ABASKIN, Vladimir; ACHIMOVA, Elena; GLIJIN, Aliona; ACCIU, Adriana (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Combining microscopy and digital holography (DH) offers the unique advantage of simultaneously capturing complete 3D information about the specimen, and under coherent illumination it has been investigated for continuous ...
  • DUCA, Ludmila; BULAI, Rodica (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Implementarea unui ststem de management al securităţii informaţiei ne permite îmbunătăţirea activităţii organizaţiei şi creşterea încrederii de către client.
  • БАЛАБАНОВ, Анатолий (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Рассматривается способ формирования вынуждающего управления для обеспечения плавности переходных процессов в оптимальных по быстродействию и других релейных САР с помощью создания скользящих режимов. Вынуждающее управление, ...
  • CEBOTARI, Irina (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    The correlation function of phonon clouds of correlated polarons is calculated in second and fourth order of perturbations series and the origin of renormalization perturbation series is established. Diagram representations ...

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