NANTOI, Vadim; NANTOI, Daria(Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі, 2024)
This article examines the pivotal function of higher education in tackling the intricate issues of urban mobility. By analyzing the interaction between urban expansion, transportation, and sustainable growth, it advocates ...
БОСТАН, Ина(Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі, 2024)
Societățile comerciale, ca forme de organizare ale persoanei juridice, sunt o dovadă clară a evoluției societății umane, a adaptării instituției persoanei juridice la nevoile concrete ale societății, devenind astăzi un ...
The autochthonous ZooBioR remedy is obtained from the biomass Spirulina platensis in the Republic of Moldova. In our study we focus on the influence of this remedy on laying hens, their metabolism and especially the liver. ...
Spirulina platensis este o microalgă cu activitate biologică antioxidantă, imunomodulatoare și anti
inflamatoare, iar, în prezent, este utilizată pentru a produce suplimente nutritive bogate în proteine, acizi
grași ...
NANTOI, Vadim; NANTOI, Daria; BUGA, Alexandru; PADURE, Olivian; TEZEC, Iurie(Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі, 2023)
This article discusses the growing popularity of electric scooters among adolescents, particularly those aged 14 to 16, and the concerns raised regarding their adherence to road traffic regulations. The absence of a formal ...
BUGA, Alexandru; NANTOI, Vadim(Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі, 2023)
Tehnica de control cu ultrasunete in imersie este des folosita in laboratoarele de cercetare si pentru controlul produselor in fabricile cu producție de serie mare. Aceasta tehnica poate fi folosita pentru determinarea: ...
In this chapter, we explore the nature of relationships and possible tensions between university management and academic staff at universities in emerging or developing economies. In our analysis we draw on recent attempts ...
POJAR, Daniela(Secretariatul Parlamentului Republicii Moldova, 2024)
În articolul de față este abordat modul de realizare a principiului constituțional al autonomiei universitare în Republica Moldova, în contextul integrării europene. Principiul autonomiei universitare, prevăzut la art. 35 ...
The degree of influence of hybrid boars on the formation of carcass quality depends on the genetic divergence of the parental forms, a fact that reduces the production period of the final hybrid, characterized by high ...
GRAUR, Ionela-Vlada; SCRIPCENCO, Angela; AVADANEI, Manuela; FLOREA-BURDUJA, Elena; VATRA, Ana-Diana; ROSCA, Malina-Ioana("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2024)
This paper focuses on sustainable solutions that aim to reconcile modern lifestyles and environmental conservation in an era characterized by increasing pollution and intensive use of natural resources. It presents a ...
FRUNZE, Valentina; FĂRÎMĂ, Daniela; IROVAN, Marcela; FLOREA-BURDUJA, Elena; RARU, Aliona("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2024)
The concept of disability has evolved significantly over time and is understood through various models that reflect societal attitudes and ideologies. Traditionally, disability was explained through supernatural causes, ...
DANILA, Victoria; CURTEZA, Antonela; BALAN, Stela("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2024)
The paper presents the one-dimensional statistical processing of anthropometric data following a study carried out in the period 2014-2018, within a neonatal therapy ward at the "Gheorghe Paladi" Municipal Clinical Hospital ...
MUNTEANU, Maria; SCRIPCENCO, Angela; BUDEANU, Ramona; CURTEZA, Antonela; FLOREA-BURDUJA, Elena; LAZAR, Cezara-Patrisia("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2024)
The paper is based on the research and analysis of uniform garments with decorative elements in traditional style intended for hotel employees. Topic relevance: the national development strategy "EUROPEAN MOLDOVA 2030" ...
ŞUBA, Zinaida; FĂRÂMĂ, Daniela; CANGAŞ, Svetlana("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2024)
The stage costume is an attribute that complements the performer through shape, color, accents, impressions and adds aesthetic value to the musical piece. The history of the stage costume features several important stages, ...
RARU, Aliona; SOLOVIOVA, Alexandra; IROVAN, Marcela; FĂRÎMĂ, Daniela; FLOREA-BURDUJA, Elena; BUJOREAN, Tatiana; FRUNZE, Valentina("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2024)
At the documentary synthesis stage for the elaboration of this work, it was found that, in the rush for external characteristics that imitate natural leather, producers of innovative "plant-based" or "bio-based" materials ...
SANDULEAC, Mihai; IONESCU, Constantin; MANDIS, Alexandru; GROPA, Victor; EFREMOV, Cristina; SANDULEAC, Vlad(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022)
Energy communities are emerging entities which need their own Information and Communication System. Resilience is a key metric of such communities, and it has to be implemented for both energy supply versus public network ...
MUNTEANU, Eugeniu; ZAPOROJAN, Sergiu; DULGHERU, Valeriu; SLAVESCU, Radu Razvan; LARIN, Vladimir; RABEI, Ivan(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022)
Exploring new areas for wind energy production brings new challenges for improvement of wind farms, making them more reliable and suitable for increasing of the power grids. In this regard, it is important to study and ...
IZVOREANU, Bartolomeu; SECRIERU, Adrian; COJUHARI, Irina; FIODOROV, Ion; MORARU, Dumitru; POTLOG, Mihail(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022)
The paper presents the procedure for tuning the PID controller to the object model with second-order inertia and time delay according to the method of the maximum degree of stability with iterations and the modified ...
IZVOREANU, Bartolomeu; COJUHARI, Irina; FIODOROV, Ion; MORARU, Dumitru; SECRIERU, Adrian; POTLOG, Mihail(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022)
In this paper, it is presented the procedure for synthesis of the control algorithm PI to the model of object with inertia first order and time delay, by the polynomial modified method. In the practice of automation the ...
GUTU, Maria(National Institute for R and D in Informatics, 2022)
This paper describes a brief overview of an instructional design in the Informatics discipline, which is based on the SOLO taxonomy, Bloom’s taxonomy, ASSURE instructional design model, Honey and Mumford learning style ...