The study subject of the experience was Noiabrskaia pear variety, grafted on BA 29. To study setting processes of reproductive organs, fruit production and its quality in 2017 year were experimented the following variants of treatment: 1. Control – without treatment; 2. GA3 – 20 ppm (18.04.2017); 3. GA4+7 – 40 ppm (18.04.2017); 4. GA4+7 – 40 ppm (26.04.2017); 5. Prohexadion Ca (P-Ca) – 10 ppm + GA4+7 – 40 ppm (26.04.2017). During the research, it was established that the growth regulator GA3 in dose of 20 ppm can be included in the technology system when 30-40% of the flowers are open to increase the resistance of the reproductive organs at low temperatures, improving the physiological processes in the plant, increasing the degree of fruit setting, the amount of fruit in the pear tree crown and plantation production.