A great number of modifications of the spindle-shaped crown forms determined the necessity of a comparative study of these ones in the conditions of the Republic of Moldova. Among the six studied systems formed on two ...
With the purpose of studying of new forms of a crown and systems of accommodation of trees promoting decrease in force of growth of a peach in the spring 2002 in ES «Petricani» has been incorporated a skilled garden a ...
In order to reduction the size of stone species trees it was studied a new form of crown for them the „ameliorated bush”. It was established that the first years after the plantation the growth processes were higher at ...
Cireșele sunt apreciate pentru gustul plăcut și culoarea, dar și disponibilității în perioada timpurie a anului. Totuși, perioada limitată de recoltare împreună cu textura moale a fructelor limitează posibilitatea de a ...
The experimental plot is placed in the orchard “Codru-ST” Ltd. founded in 2010 year. The study subject of the experience was Idared apple variety grafted on MM106 rootstock.The trees were trained as slender spindles for ...
As a result of the helmintologic protecting investigations at the autumn wheat, for the first time has been established fitoparasitar degree impact of the comparative indices of the number density (D.n.), on areas 340 – ...
Виноградарство является интенсивной отраслью виноградо-винодельческого комплекса Республики Молдова. Молдова обладает благоприятными условиями для развития виноградарства, но зимние морозы, влияют отрицательно не только ...
The Cizaro, Titul Duo,Virtuoz, Lab, Mirage fungicides have been tested for whead grain in disease control Erysiphe graminis, Puccinia recondita, Puccinia anomala, Septoria tritici, Septoria nodorum, Helminthosporium ...
The staff of the department of fruit growing contributed to the establishment of the fruit growing areas in Moldova, of the first homologated assortment of fruits, to the project implementation for replacing the non-systemic ...
Изменение климата на земном шаре становится сильнее и поэтому чаще приносит огромный ущерб сельскому хозяйству, в частности виноградовинодельческому комплексу. Ущерб может достичь до 100% потери урожай, а также сокращение ...
The article the research results of the influence of nematode fauna parazite of autumn rape Brassica napus L, the density and species diversity in the Republic of Moldova have been investigated. The species structure of ...
The object of the research was apple varieties Golden Delicious Reinders, Gala Schniga si Fuji Kiku Fubrax, grafted on M 9. The grafting method was chip budding. Planting distance was 80x35 cm. In order to intensify the ...
Worldwide, the presence of russet on ‘Golden Delicious’ apples has been a concern to producers and marketers of fresh fruit for a long time due to the fact that it decresses the smoothness, perfomes an uniform finish of ...
In the polyfactorial experiences with apple trees varieties Gala Must, Idared, Golden Delicious, Ionagored etc., there have been analyzed the main indices of the vegetal environment, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis ...
The article analyzed the role of specialists in the agri-food sector on the entities development in terms of risks and performance, and a synthesis of statistical data and analysis of business surveys is presented. The ...
Reieșind din actualitatea temei abordate, scopul și obiectivele propuse au elucidat monitoringul fitosanitar realizat la ardeiul gras din teren protejat, în elucidarea impactului fitoparazitar helmintologic, în stabilirea ...
The investigations were made during the period of 2008-2009 years in the fruit nursery of the company „Codru-ST” , which is situated in the central zone of the Republic of Moldova. As objects for study served the apple ...
This work presents the results of investigations in the frame state testing the products for phytosanitary use Lab 05-F, SC, Lab 06–F, SE, Duo SCC, Virtuoz EC, Mirage 45 EC as fungicides on autumn cereals crops during the ...
The main factors that conditioned the spread of apricot culture on a larger scale are the low return temperatures at the end of the rest period and late spring, which affect the generative organs. The aim of the research ...
Viticulture and winemaking are main branches from agroindustrial sector. Viticulture area constitutes about 100.000 hectares. The table grapes area constitutes about 15000 hectares. Export of grapes and different kinds of ...