The growth regulators manage the growth and development process of cherry trees, enable to increase the plant resistance to stress, increase the degree of fruit binding, influence the cellular division, fruit weight gaining and reduce damage caused by physiological diseases during storage and retaining period. The aim was to evaluate the influence of growth regulator Auxiger on physiological processes, development of trees, fruit production and its quality. The study subject of the experience was Regina cherry variety was grafted on Gisela 6. The trees were trained as spindle system. The distance of plantation is 4.0 x 2.0 m. The experimental plot it was placed in the orchard “„Vindex-Agro” Ltd. founded in 2012 year. The research was conducted during the period of 2016 year. To study physiological processes and development of trees, fruit production and its quality were experimented the following variants of treatment: 1.Control – without treatment; 2. Auxiger – 0.5 l/ha; 3. Auxiger – 0.5 l/ha. Active ingredient of Auxiger is NAD – 1.5 g/l + ANA – 0.6 g/l. Grow regulator Auxiger were sprayed one time, during the period of intensive fruit growing (26.05.16). During the research, it was studied the content of chlorophyll „a” and „b”, their sum, and the content of carotenoids, development of trees, average of fruits, tree production and their quality. It was established that the physiological processes, development of trees, average of fruits, fruit production and its quality increase when treating with growth regulators Auxiger in dose of 0.7 l/ha.