The investigations were made in the fruit nursery of the joint stock company “Fruit Nurseries”. It was studied the production technology of apple trees of “knip-baum” type and their later development in a superintensive orchard of the farm “I. Sitari”. There were studied the varieties Idared, Golden Delicious Reinders, Jonagold Boerekamp Early Queen, Granny Smith, Jonagored, Gloster and Čampion grafted on the M 9 rootstock. It was established that the grade of striking of the bench grafts of the varieties from the first field of fruit nursery was 96,0-99,0 %, the scions’ height was 94-126 cm. In the second field the obtained results correspond to the first category of the actual standards and have the tree height of 166-189 cm, trunk diameter – 16,5-17,2 mm, the quality of sylleptic shoots – 4,5-11,0 pieces/tree and to the average length of the apple trees. The first obtained yield in the orchard in the first year after plantation was 0,16-1,30 t/ha, in the second year, depending on the variety, was 4,80-11,60 t/ha.