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  • MORARI, Cristina; AWAWDEH, Adnan; MORARI, Roman; ZDRAVKOV, Vladimir; SIDORENKO, Anatoly (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată al AŞM, 2012)
    In this work describes the process of scanning surface of Nb, CuNi alloy and CoO films using AFM, the main regimes of operation are presented and the three-dimensional topography of scanned surfaces are discussed.
  • ANDRONIC, Silvia; CASIAN, Anatolie; DUŞCIAC, Viorel (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2014)
    Materialele organice cvasiunidimensionale (Q1D) prezintă un interes deosebit în fizica stării solide. Acestea sunt aplicate pe larg în dispozitivele electronice. A fost demostrat teoretic că aceste materiale au proprietăţi ...
  • ŢURCAN, Rina (Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, România, 2007)
    This paper presents the evolution of viticulture branch in Moldavia Republic, which between 1975 and 2003 declined. To incise the performances and continuous development of the wine-making sector, the vertical integration ...
  • PODLESNAIA, Natalia; STARŢEV, Ala (Academia de Muzică, Teatru şi Arte Plastice, 2016)
    Articolul de faţă pune în vizor știinţific particularităţile tehnice ale artei vitraliului, prezentând tipuri de fabricare a acestuia, metode de prelucrare artistică a sticlei etc. La fel, sunt evidenţiate particularităţile ...
  • GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana (Academia de Administrare Publică, 2018)
    Cu ocazia aniversării de 25 de ani de la fondarea Academiei de Administrare Publică, autorul vine cu sincere mulțumiri pentru profesorii AAP, care au muncit cu râvnă şi străduință întru binele neamului românesc şi formarea ...
  • ȚURCAN, Nelly; CUJBA, Rodica; CERNĂUȚEANU, Victor (Institutul Naţional de Cercetări Economice, 2018)
    Etapa modernă de dezvoltare socială se caracterizează prin trecerea la o nouă formă de dezvoltare a societății, în care cunoașterea devine atât o valoare importantă economică, cât și o resursă strategică. Prin urmare, în ...
  • BULAT, Veronica; BÂRDAN, Veaceslav (Asociaţia Economie, Management şi Psihologie în Medicină, 2011)
    The study exposed in present paper reveal the problem of elements identification underliyng the dentists decision with the aim of tehnical-material assurance in dental service providing in Republic of Moldova. For defining ...
  • GUŢULEAC, Emilian; ŢURCANU, Iurie; GUŢULEAC, Emilia (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2008)
    In order to capture the compartmentalization and the behavior of membrane systems for performance modeling of parallel and distributed computing, we present the Descriptive Timed Membrane Petri Nets (TMPN) that can modify, ...
  • LUCA, Sergiu (Universitatea Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2015)
    Elita trebuie să făurească idealuri, fiecare să facă ceia ce ştie mai bine. Această contribuţie faţă de societate a fiecărui individ, prin realizarea a ceea ce ştie mai bine, poate să se manifeste doar prin vocaţie. Doar ...
  • LANGA, S.; CARSTENSEN, J.; CHRISTOPHERSEN, M.; TIGINYANU, I. M.; FÖLL, H. (WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2003)
    The paper addresses macroscopic voltage oscillations observed during anodic etching of pores in n-InP and GaP. These oscillations always occur concurrently with the modulation of pore diameters which are synchronized on ...
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2018)
    Înjurătura este un lucru bun sau este un lucru rău? În esență este o nebunie, o stare de spirit, un moft sau un comportament rău asimilat din familie, școală, societate. Înjurătura este, prin definiție, un act agresiv ...
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău, 2018)
    Swearing is good or not? Is a fad, a mood, or a bad behavior. Swearing is by definition an aggressive, transgressive act. Its impact depends entirely on context. It is known, that the actual functions of verbal vulgarity ...
  • LANGA, S.; DRABE, C.; HERRMANN, A.; LUDEWIG, T.; RIECK, A.; FLEMMING, A.; KADEN, C. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2015)
    This paper presents the vacuum wafer level packaging of in-house manufactured two-dimensional micro- mirrors based on the electrostatic driving principle, fabricated using a bulk technology on bonded-silicon-on-insulator ...
  • TATAROV, Pavel; IVANOVA, Raisa; BAERLE, Alexei; SANDU, Iuliana; BRINDZA, Jan (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, 2021)
    The purpose of this research was to found the optimal extraction’s conditions of phenolic compounds from kernel pellicles and to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of these.
  • SANDULACHI, E.; CHIRITA, E. (National Academy of Packaging, Plovdiv, 2013)
    This paper includes a bibliographic study of the chemical composition of walnut meal. Also there are presented various ways to use the meal. There are characterized the benefits that can be obtained using the meal at bread ...
  • GROSU, Carolina; SIMINIUC, Rodica; DINU, Turcanu; COVALIOV, Eugenia; GUTIUM, Olga (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2021)
    Walnut meal is a nutrient-rich product and has a high nutritional value. Walnut meal is a product that can be used in food technology, in order to improve the nutritional quality, expand the range of confectionery products, ...
  • COVALIOV, Eugenia; SIMINIUC, Rodica; POPOVICI, Violina (ISRES Publishing, 2022)
    Nutella is the best-selling chocolate and hazelnut spread in the world. It is known that the main ingredients of Nutella are sugar (55%) palm oil (23%), hazelnuts (14%), cocoa solids and skimmed milk (8%). Currently, ...
  • BOAGHI, Eugenia; RESITCA, Vladislav; TATAROV, Pavel; CIUMAC, Jorj (Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2018)
    Walnuts with dark-colored shells, with blackish brown spots that are more or less punctuated, have poor consumer acceptability. To improve the appearance and the commercial quality of shell nuts, certain bleaching processes ...
  • SANDULACHI, Elizaveta; TATAROV, Pavel (Institutul de Chimie al AŞM, 2012)
    This paper presents the study information related to the processing of fruit by combined methods. Is presented on the concept of water activity and its role in product quality; mathematical modeling methods (GAB, BET et ...
  • LANGA, S.; FREY, S.; CARSTENSEN, J.; FÖLL, H.; TIGINYANU, I. M.; HERMANN, M.; BÖTTGER, G. (The Electrochemical Society, 2005)
    We researched the possibilities for engineering the morphology of porous structures in n-InP. Lithographic patterning of the sample surface before anodic etching was shown to modify considerably the electric field distribution ...

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