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  • SANTOS-CARBALLAL, David; LUPAN, Oleg; MAGARIU, Nicolae; ABABII, Nicolai; KRÜGER, Helge; BODDULURI, Mani Teja; de LEEUW, Nora H.; HANSEN, Sandra; ADELUNG, Rainer (Elsevier, 2023)
    In this work, heterostructures based on semiconductor oxides are employed as sensors for typical components of battery electrolytes and their decomposition products. The sensors showed a significant response to vapors ...
  • LUPAN, Oleg; SANTOS-CARBALLAL, David; MAGARIU, Nicolae; MISHRA, Abhishek Kumar; ABABII, Nicolai; KRÜGER, Helge; WOLFF, Niklas; VAHL, Alexander; BODDULURI, Mani Teja; KOHLMANN, Niklas; KIENLE, Lorenz; ADELUNG, Rainer; LEEUW, Nora H. de; HANSEN, Sandra (American Chemical Society, 2022)
    In this work, we demonstrate the sensing properties toward the most common VOCs of columnar Al2O3/ZnO heterolayer-based sensors. We have also developed an approach to tune the sensor selectivity by changing the thickness ...
  • GRIZA, Ina (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2021)
    Scopul cercetării: s-a axat pe analiza și alegerea arealului de cultivare a viței de vie și a soiurilor de struguri–materie primă pentru producția sucului cu conținut avansat de substanțe biologic active (SBA), în special ...
  • SURUCEANU, G.; CALIMAN, A.; BÎRCA, Veaceslav; SÂRBU, Anastasia; IACOVLEV, Vladimir; MEREUTA, Aliona; PODOLEANU, Adrian; JACKSON, D. (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală a Republicii Moldova, 2001)
    În lucrare sunt prezentate rezultatele cercetărilor asupra realizării unei construcţii de tip nou a unei surse sintetizate de lumină pentru sistemele medicinale de tomografie de coerenţă optică (OCT). Sursa este constituită ...
  • RUSU, Andrei; RUSU, Elena (The Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 2018)
    We consider the problem of completeness relative to ultra-weak expressibility of the systems of formulas in the simplest non-trivial extension of the propositional provability logic. We propose an algorithm to address this ...
  • MORARU, V. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1997)
    Herein is investigated the method of solution of quadratic programming problems. The algorithm is based on the effective selection of constraints. Quadratic programming with constraints-equalities are solved with the help ...
  • NICU, T. (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 1999)
    A method and algorithm for testing the gas distribution phases of internal combustion engines are proposed. This method allows a way of testing the gas distribution phases, based on direct and continuous measurements of ...
  • BAERLE, Iulia; BAERLE, Alexei (Institute of Chemistry, Chisinau, AŞM, 2022)
    Algorithm of anti-scientific myths refutation by scaling of the typical tasks and experiments in chemistry „Official science would not tell this” – is an intriguing phrase, widely used by... “modern” promoters of the ...
  • COJUHARI, Irina (Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iași, 2010)
    This paper proposes a tuning algorithm of linear controllers P, PI, PID in the multiple-loop feedback control systems. The control object consists of two subprocesses, which are described by the dynamical models with ...
  • BOLUN, Ion (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2011)
    Sunt sistematizaţi indicii de apreciere a disproporţionalităţii şi metodele de alocare a mandatelor în sisteme RP. Este demonstrat că minimizarea disproporţionalităţii, în sensul fiecăruia din cei unsprezece indici cercetaţi ...
  • BÂRDAN, Veaceslav (Institutul de Relaţii Internaţionale din Moldova, 2016)
    Proiectul cu numele de „Alianţa Pacificului” a captat atenţia guvernelor şi economiştilor din întreaga lume.Evaluările activităţilor şi a direcţiilor de dezvoltare nu sunt univoce. În statele Americii Latine unii politicieni ...
  • ARION, Valentin; APREUTESII, Viorica (Institutul de Energetică, AŞM, 2005)
    În lucrare este abordată problema alocării cheltuielelor la o instalaţie de cogenerare şi prezentată o metodă de soluţionare, bazată pe aplicarea raportului cheltuielelor totale o centrală termoelectrică (CTE) şi la o ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Academia de Administatre Publică, 2020)
    This article investigates the process of financing general and secondary education in the Republic of Moldova from the state budget. Dynamics research (2014-2020) shows that the standard cost for a weighted student is ...
  • POPESCU, Liliana (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2021)
    Cheese is a product with a high nutritional value being a source of protein, mineral salts especially calcium and phosphorus, which are essential components in the diet. The major problems encountered during cheese ...
  • GUȚU, Maria; DUMBRĂVEANU, Roza (Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălți, 2019)
    This article presents the impact of the Flipped Classroom strategy on the teaching and learning process of informatics in school and it focuses on the Flipping Blooms’ Taxonomy, SWOT analisys of the implementation of this ...
  • UNGUREANU, Sergiu; SIPITCO, Natalia; VIDIBORSCHII, Vladimir; FOSA, Doina (Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, 2020)
    Objective of the study is to obtain clinical data from laboratory animals regarding the effects of different types of electrostimulation of IES, elaboration and testing the prototype of implantable and rechargeable ...
  • BULGARU, Viorica; POPESCU, Liliana; GHENDOV-MOŞANU, Aliona; ILKAY, Şensoy; MAZUR, Sergiu; PAIU, Sergiu; STURZA, Rodica (Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, 2023)
    In the present work, the content of starch and proteins in the soryz grains was analyzed, using standard methods of analysis.
  • BALMUŞ, Ion (Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii „Dumitru Ghiţu”, 2015)
    Profesorul universitar Anatolie Casian s-a născut la 17 noiembrie 1935 în satul Colicăuţi, raionul Briceni, într-o familie cu tradiţii culturale, unde se educa dragostea de carte, se preţuiau cunoştinţele, se preţuia munca. ...
  • VRABIE, Elvira; SPRINCEAN, Catalina; PALADII, Irina; VRABIE, Valeria (Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară, Bucureşti, 2019)
    It was investigated the amino acid content in protein mineral concentrates obtained during electrophysical processing of different types of whey at membrane electrolyzer EDP-4 at current density j=10 mA/cm2 and J=20mA/cm2. ...
  • ABABII, Victor; SUDACEVSCHI, Viorica (SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2005)
    A method of speech coding and decoding is proposed. The speech coding algorithm is based on first derivate calculation of input speech signal, identification of critical points and input signal amplitude in these points, ...

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