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Problemele pieţei muncii din mediul rural al Republicii Moldova şi direcţii de soluţionare ale acestora

Show simple item record GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana BĂTRÎNESCU, Veaceslav 2020-08-11T09:34:17Z 2020-08-11T09:34:17Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana, BĂTRÎNESCU, Veaceslav. Problemele pieţei muncii din mediul rural al Republicii Moldova şi direcţii de soluţionare ale acestora. In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor şi a zonelor transfrontaliere: conf. intern., 10 noiembrie, 2017. Iași, 2017, pp. 220-228. ISBN 978-606-685-554-9. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-606-685-554-9
dc.description.abstract Republic of Moldova is in a difficult situation at the moment, both from socio-economic point of view and political. According to the data of the Public Opinion Barometer (POB) from April 2017, the society is divided in two sides Pro EU and Pro Russia: 39% of respondents support the accession Republic of Moldova to the European Union (EU) and 40% support the accession to the Euro-Asian Economic Union (EEU). This dispersion of the population’s opinion is due to the region where the respondents have their family members, relatives, friends, acquaintances that work there. Lately, the support of the accession of Republic of Moldova to the Euro-Asian Economic Union according to POB data is decreasing compared to the same period of time from 2016, when this idea was supported by 46,8% of the respondents. The decreased level of trust in EEU is directly interdependent to the number of migrants that worked in Russia in 2014-2016. According to the data of the opinion polls the number of the Moldovans that were working in Russia decreased from 59,3% in 2008 to 42,1% in 2016. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova, for about 319 thousand people were working abroad, which constituted for about 10,6% from the total number of the population. From the total number of Moldovans that left abroad to work 70,5% are from rural. Due to the good job offers and low salaries, the returned migrants refuse to get employed in Republic of Moldova especially in the rural area. Certain returned migrants after some time are returning to the migration process, and others are waiting remittances from other family members that are still working abroad. This phenomenon creates a dis-balance between the offer and the demand of jobs in the rural environment. To sum up, the level of development of the local market especially in the rural area is weakly, that motivates people to go abroad and to attract after them other members of the family, relatives, friends etc. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Institutul de Cercetari Economice şi Sociale “Gheorghe Zane” , Iaşi en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject migranţi en_US
dc.subject piaţa muncii en_US
dc.subject migration en_US
dc.subject labor market en_US
dc.subject jobs en_US
dc.subject remittances en_US
dc.title Problemele pieţei muncii din mediul rural al Republicii Moldova şi direcţii de soluţionare ale acestora en_US
dc.title.alternative The problems of the labor market in Republic of Moldova’s rural area and directions to solve them en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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